C8 migration - [service.cloud.hubitat.com/] failed: Connection refused

Trying to migration C7 to C8.

migration backup created on C7 and shows in the list of backups.
shutdown C7 and unplug.
boot up C8
attempt to register C8 and get this error:

navigation to backup/restore on C8 and it does not show the migration backup file (yes I've clicked on the 'reload backups')
Any ideas what to do next?

Are both hubs updated to .103?

Something is awry. is a private IP address. When I use dig to resolve service.cloud.hubitat.com, this is what I see:


service.cloud.hubitat.com. 6 IN CNAME d27en9qhukosd1.cloudfront.net.
d27en9qhukosd1.cloudfront.net. 6 IN A
d27en9qhukosd1.cloudfront.net. 6 IN A
d27en9qhukosd1.cloudfront.net. 6 IN A
d27en9qhukosd1.cloudfront.net. 6 IN A
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Good catch, I didn't look at the ip. @mark.amber are you using your own DNS server or proxy?

C7 was updated to before making the backup and I could see it was created in the cloud while still running on the C7.

I did notice that the C8 was still running an older firmware which I thought was weird. Tried updating but it just sits there with no progress.

I have a PiHole DNS server. But its never caused a Hubitat problem before this. Let me bypass and try again...

Sounds like your hub isn't getting to the internet. Check my.hubitat.com to see if that hub can be seen

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I can get there and log in to my account and it shows the C7 as a registered hub but not the C8

OK I seem to be up and running now. Thanks for the hints. :+1:

It was a combination of DNS and the new C8 running old firmware. Which begs the question: Why are they being shipped with old firmware? I guess I can understand they were built months ago, but I didnt see it documented or mentioned by Hubitat staff that one of the first steps is to update the firmware in the new C8


.101 was released day of Hubitat sales. Prior to that was latest stable release during beta. When you brought the hub up the 1st time there should have been a red flag noting there was a firmware update.
.103 was released today to address a bug found during public deployment.

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