C8 Migration Hue Motion Sensors not working [Solved] (hub replacement)

Try disabling this prior to next reboot see if it helps with the hang on startup. I have 4 production C8's on my property with various numbers of zigbee devices and havent needed this setting

I will try this!

Just updated to c8 from c7 tonight with the latest fw. having the same problem with my hue motion sensors.

Skimming this 600 post thread that all of a sudden stopped getting updates, decrease the power of my radio?

Upgrade went smooth. WAF is low with their favorite automations not working.

Edit: updated the radio to 20 power, and rebuilt the zigbee network and its responding now. we will see how that does. Also my unifi network will auto adjust channels, so that may also help.

Steve from FM?

I have updated all the firmware on my hue sensors. But still having the issue, although not as bad. I have about 2 out of 20 drop a week. Just had another drop yesterday on the 42006BB7 firmware.

It has been such a hassle walking in rooms where the motion isnt working today having to reset everything else.

I have tried both on power 8,12,16 and 20. Channels 20 and 25.

This has to get fixed as motion lighting is a major piece to having hubitat. I am sure newbies that have this issue on a common Hue device are going to give up on it for something else.

I transitioned to the C8 early March which included 7 Hue indoor sensors. They all transitioned, after I re-pair them but with no reset, simply clicking the button while having the C8 in Zigbee pairing mode. The message was something like "device already paired" since they were in the database already.

Ever since then, no drops at all , no issues. All 7 have been working perfectly and they are all in high traffic areas, being activated dozens of times a day.

I ended up getting this fixed finally, it was a bad hub. I was sent a new one and everything works perfectly now.


Sounds interesting, do you know what the problem was with the initial hub? I have my own C8 which I have yet to install due to the issues that I have read about in this thread. I am wondering if one could actually know beforehand if my hub is perhaps part of a bad batch. I cannot afford to have this fail.

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And about a month ago, after months with no problem, it all started for me as well. Have no idea why, it's driving me crazy.

I've had no problems with my 11 Hue motion sensors, knock on wood. Then again, I have NO zigbee repeaters.

I have a lot of Zigbee repeaters. 4 Hue outdoor motion sensors and 3 indoor ones; none have dropped since moving to the C-8 (March?). On my C-5, the outdoor ones would drop frequently enough that I had paired them to a Hue bridge, but even on the Hue bridge, one of them would become “unresponsive” pretty regularly. After migrating to the C-8, I cranked the Zigbee power to 20 and joined the outdoor sensors to it. The funny part is that almost all of them seem to route via Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongles that have been in use for almost 2 years, but didn’t seem to work nearly as well on the C-5.

The C8 Motion Sensor challenges continue. I migrated from a very stable C-5 setup with a combination of Smarthings and Hue Motion sensors. After migration they will all report temp/battery but fail to detect motion. Have gone through all the recommended machinations with no success. This is truly frustrating. Is there anyway to confirm my C8 needs to be replaced? Definitely open to suggestions,

I feel your pain. I’ve had numerous zigbee issues with my C8 (primarily unable to pair and devices dropping offline) and the only solution that I could get to consistently work is to keep the problem devices on my C7 and use Hub Mesh to link the them to my C8.

It’s far from ideal but it works.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have decided to go back to the C5 for now. Are you using the C7 for all your Zigbee requirements? From previous posts in this thread it would seem that getting a warranty replacement solves the issue. My guess is that there is a C8 quality control issue that has resulted in some units being shipped with defective Zigbee radios. I have submitted a warranty claim during the Holidays and am waiting for a response. I will update this post once I hear from Hubitat.

I had been using my C7 for all zigbee devices because so many of them were unstable on the C8 and I wanted to maintain a strong mesh.

I recently added a few zigbee devices to my C8 and they seem to be working ok but it’s a little early to tell. I may consider manually moving more in the future but I’m in no rush since everything is working with hub mesh and the previous migration basically shutdown the entire house

Just received word that a replacement hub is on its way. Will update result after it arrives next week.


Just migrated C7 to C8 over Christmas and have had almost daily drops from 2 outdoor Hue sensors. Tried everything I could glean from this thread. Wondering about hub replacement- please update and let us know if the new hub solved your issues.

What is your zigbee power level set to?

When I posted, I was trying power 20 out of desperation. I noticed that my lastHopLqi and lastHopRssi numbers were very poor (Lqi in 60-90 range and Rssi in -160 to -100). I determined that a nearby Bond bridge was causing some interference so I moved that and the numbers improved.

I then noticed that far away battery sensors were connecting directly to the hub despite powered devices being quite close. So I started to reduce the power and each time I did, the Lqi and Rssi numbers improved. Eventually I got down to power 4 and had the best numbers of all - and the battery sensors began to route through the powered ones.

Now consistent Lqi of 200-230 and Rssi in the -40 range. All sensors (internal and external) have been rock solid for a day now. Will continue to monitor but am optimistic that am on the right track.

So, though the C8 was placed in same spot of the C7, it seem (in my case) that a combination of too much power and some interference were causal.


Update. After 3 days of solid operation, one of my outdoor Hue sensors dropped off today. Back to the drawing board. Maybe try power 8. Does no one else have trouble with these sensors on C8. NEVER dropped on C7.

They used to drop all the time on my C-5, but have never dropped in almost a year of being on the C-8. I do have 3 Sonoff dongle plus repeaters on this particular hub, and 3 Samsung zigbee 3.0 plugs. They usually show as routing via one of these (Sonoff dongle or Samsung plug).