C8 light alternating red and green

My c8 is Wi-Fi connected. I have noticed that the light is blinking green then red then green. Etc. I can access the web interface without issue.

IIRC the blinking red-green should indicate that the hub doesn't have a network connection, but if you can access it ???


Yup no problem accusing it at all.

IN your shoes I'd try to connect the HE router to ethernet and start the troubleshooting from there, looking into the network settings. Ideally you'd want Hubitat to be located about 10 ft. or more away from the home wireless router, regardless of whether Hubitat is using ethernet or wifi.


Thanks bob. It’s not a Wi-Fi issue. I have 30 Devices connected over 3 APs.

I have no issues accessing the hub. All my echo cmds work etc.

How does c8 test for network connectivity?

If I had to guess - by pinging the router. If my guess is accurate, and if your router does not respond to pings on the LAN/WLAN interface(s), it will appear that the C-8 is offline.

Tagging @gopher.ny for clarity.

That's exactly it. Not sure why it would continue thinking it is offline.
@mjruotolo , could you please PM me your hub's id?