C8 hub flash red and green after update to Release 2.3.9


I recently updated my Hubitat C-8 hub to Release 2.3.9. Since the update, I've observed that the hub starts flashing red and green. Despite this, the hub's communication and functionality remain unaffected, and everything works as expected.

To troubleshoot, I downgraded the hub to version, which immediately stopped the flashing. Here are the details of my situation:

Hub Model: Hubitat Elevation Model C-8
Current Firmware: (currently running after downgrade)
Issue Observed With: 2.3.9

Network Configuration:

  • The hub is connected to my router through a wired connection.

  • Due to a bug in my Deco system, I cannot reserve an IP address from the router.

  • To work around this, I have set a fixed IP address directly from the Hubitat hub.

  • Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

    • Restarted the network.
    • Restarted the hub.
    • update to also not fix the problem

Despite these steps, the flashing issue persists on firmware version 2.3.9.

Has anyone else experienced this issue after updating to Release 2.3.9? Is there a known fix, or something I might be overlooking in my configuration? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Can you connect to the hub while it's flashing green/red?
If yes, could you please PM me the hub id? I'll check the engineering logs to see what's going on.

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Yes, I can connect to the hub while it's flashing green/red. I will send you a PM with the hub ID. Currently, I have downgraded to, and I purged the logs before the downgrade.
Additionally, I can access the dashboard from outside my home without any issues.

Thank you for your assistance!

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This is a bug I have reported on previously but no one believes it so it just goes ignored. Again the few typical rude people of these forums just start being condescending as usual as I expect they will now. Don't get me wrong there are huge amounts of fantastic, very nice and very clever people on here but there are also quite a few that are up their own backsides with no good reason.
Maybe someone will take this bug seriously now someone else has reported it.

If you’re not experiencing any symptoms other than the flashing red/green light, then I would suggest updating again so staff can see if they can identify the problem. It might not be possible if the logs have been cleared; not sure.

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It just did not get staff attention before, especially since you replied to an old post and did not provide a ton of details. They were also right on the heels on 2.3.9 at that time.

Why don't you PM @gopher.ny your hub ID as well, two sets of logs with the same issue will probably help him figure it out.

It doesn't look like your problem was ignored. On the contrary it looks like folks were trying to help you. If you weren't happy with the advices you received or you felt that the responses were inappropriate or rude, you could tag Hubitat staff @support_team. As always, if you feel that a post is rude or condescending, please flag the post so we can intervene. We would like to maintain an atmosphere, here, in the community where everyone feels included and welcomed.


The logs don't appear to provide enough information at the moment, so I'm adding some extra logging for the next build. We'll get to the bottom of it.


Thank you for looking into it and adding extra logging for the next build. I appreciate your efforts to resolve this issue. I'll keep an eye out for the next update and will be ready to provide any additional information needed.

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Thank you for the suggestion. Since the current logs don't provide enough information and additional logging is being added in the next build, I'll wait for the next update before proceeding. Hopefully, that will help identify the problem more effectively.


I think it’s possible you misinterpreted the tone of some recent replies to your posts. Reflexively resorting to profanity in response is also considered rude and is unlikely to encourage others to assist you in troubleshooting.

ETA: Since it can be easy to misinterpret others’ intent when reading message boards on the internet, I’ll state explicitly that there’s no condescension intended in my post.



I also have the same problem, if @support wants to check my logs.

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Same problem (blinking red/green) on my C8 (

Hub's IP address is (Ethernet) via static IP address. WiFi is detected.

Do you have Static IP set on the hub itself or on the router as a DHSP reservation?

in the hub (i'm not very familiar with network configuration)

If you use your phone to look for Wifi do you see the HE wifi portal in there, it has Hubitat in the name I forget what it is exactly? If that is not showing then the only issue with the light is cosmetic I think.

You could try switching it to DHCP but the IP will probably change when it reboots. That might fix the flashing light unless dev's can fix the issue. You would have to set a reserved IP on the router to have it keep the same IP though.

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Do you have ethernet AND wifi enabled on the hub? I'm just reading between the lines of the statement I've quoted.

It can only be one OR the other. You cannot have both active. Both enabled has been known to cause issues and is not recommended by HE.


Good question -- I was wondering that too... But if you go into the "Network Settings" page, then up at the top, it does say "Wifi is detected" even if you're not using it. Which can be kinda confusing...

At least part of what you quoted above almost looks like it could've come from a copy-paste from that blurb at the top of that page.

I'm at the office, so I'm going off memory here, but hopefully what I said isn't too far off-base.

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yep was just a copy-paste of the blurb. Using ethernet only. I haven't made any changes other than updating the hub, so i believe it's just cosmetic.

would rather not mess with network config if it's just a bug causing the light to blink

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Started experiencing this as well. C8 running

Static IP set on the hub. Ethernet only, Wi-Fi not in use. I can connect to the hub without issue.

Will try setting the IP on the router and report back.