C7 hating zigbee

Since the last update yesterday, my C7 now has zero zigbee radio even though it’s on and the motion apps that use z-wave sensors are not turning lights off after set time but it’s recognising motion. I’ve restarted, shutdown for 30 minutes, restored from backup file but nothing appears to make any difference. I noticed it starting to playing up 3 updates ago on one rule where if a smart points power is above 5v to leave the lights on in that room until the power drops to 0 but they switch off anyway when the power is on. Help!

When you shutdown, did you unplug it from the wall? (only needs 5 mins)

What makes you think your hub's Zigbee radio is not functional? Do you see an alert that Zigbee radio is offline? Are no Zigbee devices working as expected? If only one Zigbee device works, your radio is functional, but you may have a mesh problem (one or more devices that stopped working). Based on the details you shared so far, it sounds like you have Zigbee actuators (switches and dimmers) and Z-Wave sensors, is that a fair assessment? If not, could you please provide more details specific to the issue(s) you are experiencing. Here is a document that might give you an idea of the type of details you may need to provide so that others can help you troubleshoot the problems:


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Yep sure did

No zigbee devices are responding at all. HE says zigbee is on, there’s no messages, it’s simply not working. The zigbee devices are a 3 gang light switch, 6 Zemismart blind motors, 2 smartthings smart plugs and all lights are hue but the bridge is looking after them without any hassles. As for the rest they’re z-wave which operates as normal.

Ugh. There are still a few possibilities here:

  1. WiFi (or BT, but WiFi is more likely) interference.
  2. A abrupt change in the hub's zigbee channel, and the devices haven't found the new channel yet.
  3. An abrupt change in the hub's zigbee PAN id. This will cause all your devices to fall off.
  4. An actual failure of the the zigbee radio.

I would bet on the first three over the fourth as possibilities.

It would be useful for Hubitat engineers to take a look at your hub's engineering log. Anyway, I'm tagging @support_team.

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I just tried resetting one zigbee device then got HE to search for it but it’s not finding anything. Got the old C5 out which found it pretty fast so I’m banking the C7 has decided zigbee is not worth its time

I have progress! Well, not exactly progress. Now it’s not communicating with Broadlink or stable with hue bridge. It’s like it’s slowly dying :cry:

FIXED IT! Restored to 3 days ago and voila, everything working now. No idea what happened with that last update but know I’m now ignoring that “system update” message for a while.

Likely you had a corrupt database and the restore corrected it.


Yeah fair call, just glad it’s all working now


Glad it is!!

Ok that didn’t last long. Worked this morning without a hitch, this afternoon it decides “no zigbee for you” again. Zigbee is on, devices are on, hub has no messages but no zigbee devices can be controlled. Tried all my first steps including restore but it’s just not responding. Getting over this C7 fast

What channel is your zigbee on?

If you suspect Zigbee issues, always worth checking the getChildandRouteInfo page. If hub is communicating with any Zigbee routers/repeaters, they'll be listed in the neighbor table. End devices connected to the hub not linked thru repeaters will be in the Child data section. Discovered routes to devices reachable via repeaters will normally be visible (for a while) in the Route Table entry secion.


If Neighbor Table isn't stable over the course of a few minutes (refresh the page to see if anything's changed), likely something's disrupting the mesh (bad device, massive interference). Repeaters useable for routing won't show outCost=0. If no devices ever appear, could be hub radio issue.


Close enough for bleed over from your wifi or surrounding AP's in your area. wifi, change it to 20 and you should be good. It may or may not require a reboot

Changed it to 13 about 6 months ago because it was on 11 and discovered a few neighbourhood routers were 10 and causing havoc. Didn’t even think to check that again, thanks for the reminder, fingers crossed it works :crossed_fingers:

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This is Japanese with a hint of Eskimo to me:

Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=2, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
No information for Child 0
child:[Lounge front turn, 0A25, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]

Neighbor Table Entry
[Dining TV Power, 1C75], LQI:213, age:3, inCost:5, outCost:0

Route Table Entry

Looks like you only have one mains based repeater on dining tv power with one battery powered sensor but from your original thread you have more devices. How many mains based zigbee devices do you actually have? I'm starting to suspect it boils down to a weak mesh