C7 and S2 security

Yup. 'Tis frustrating as S2 has been out for 4+ years and largely works without any pairing issues on the 500 series SDK/ZAF/protocol versions.

I've done close to 75 S2 pairings on another 500 series hub in the past 2 weeks for work I am doing for a friend - zero (and I mean ZERO) issues during pairing. To be fair, I only have 4 different S2 devices I'm pairing - so that isn't conclusive or inclusive over all vendors. But some of those devices ARE ones I have had issues with on the C7.

My gut tells me this is more a SiLabs 700 series issue than a hubitat issue. Hard to confirm/prove until more zwave 700 hubs are out in the wild though... Although my experience that S2 pairing works more reliably after a C7 hub reboot refutes that a little. :man_shrugging:

And I'll say it again - I don't really care about people's opinions on whether S2 is "necessary" or not (including my own opinion, which largely matches most expressed on here). The pairing, and operation, of S2 devices needs to work when people choose to use it - simple as that.

If it is a device issue, the device needs updated by the manufacturer, if it is an SDK/ZAF issue then SiLabs needs to fix it, if it is a hub issue - same comment there.

And don't get me wrong - S2 pairing mostly works on the C7. I've been able to get everything I wanted S2 to pair S2 in the end. It doesn't always work right the 1st time, but between reboots and/or removing power from the hub I've always been able to get it done. And my devices are all working fine after pairing.


:100: @bcopeland has done a phenomenal job fixing the issues. S2 has been out for a long time, but manufactures were given the capability to handle it how they wanted. No more with 700 series.


Re-pinging on this...would love to hear more about it. New news to me.

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I’ve only used it with the Ring Extenders, but from the Hubitat App

After you click there, Click the SmartStart button, and scan the device’s QR Code and it will create a SmartStart entry, place the device into pairing mode and the HE takes over from there.

Best way I’ve found to include Rings...

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Open the app

Z-Wave Tools > SmartStart > Tap on the device

Thanks! I've never used SmartStart, partly as I never heard anyone mention a compelling reason to look into it. I'm really surprised this capability hasn't come up in the myriad S2 discussions that I've seen here...

Not all devices support it, but for those that do it’s a quick pairing option.

I have paired stuff traditional and smartstart... It is the same security selection dialog as pairing traditionally, really, so no benefit there.

The devices I paired smartstart did indeed pair and work. I did all my Ring devices via SmartStart. Was super easy, is just a different experience as you scan the code - then wait and hope it shows up at some point. lol

I don't think I've had a failed smartstart pairing yet, now that I think of it. At least not one I can remember, but I've only done maybe 10.

What @SmartHomePrimer is saying that you can change security later after pairing is over...or did I misunderstand that?

You misunderstood. :slight_smile:

It is part of the SmartStart initial pairing info:

And you really shouldn't leave devices in the smartstart pairing list in the app forever either.


That's what he said...I'm confused.

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I had some time to play around with SmartStart this weekend. While far from consistently working for me (I had to reinstall the app on my iPhone in order to even get it to something) I was able to make it work for all my SmartStart enabled devices after a number of attempts. And, they paired with S2 enabled using this method. There were some weird hiccups - the Honeywell switches paired but device type was incorrect and had to change later and for all SmartStart devices added to the queue they would get stuck into a pending state even if the devices actually paired fine. GE switches and dimmers and Ring extenders worked better overall. Overall I think the experiment was a success even if at some point when I rebooted the hub it decided to go back in time (including database state) and loose all changes I made for the last 2 hours or so since the previous reboot.

I still wish things would work better and consistently with SmartStart or without but other than my ZEN30 which is not SmartStart enabled apparently everything thing else that supports S2 is paired properly.

These are different screens in the app...

First one is from the documentation at the link you provided (thanks).

The second one @SmartHomePrimer posted clearly looks like an Edit page after the device has been paired.

Beats me. I remove devices from the provisioning list after they are paired. I don;t like the devices/hub being able to handshake/pair post initial pairing.

I’m with you. That’s the way I understood the statement and I disagree with it if it means what we think it means.

The only want to change security level AFTER including the device is to exclude and re-include as far as I understand.

You can not change security after a device has been included..


You’re misunderstanding how it works actually. If you join via SmartStart, you can change the security afterward. You cannot do that otherwise without excluding and joining again.

I guess if you leave it in the provision list, though, you can fairly easily exclude and re-include it though. What use that is, is beyond me.

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Nothing easy about that when it’s in a bunch of rules

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Except you can't change the security after it is paired??? You may be able to change the check boxes in the smartstart provision details - but it doesn't actually change on the device/hub until re-paired.

Or am I nuts???