C5 to C8 Pro migration missing devices in Z-Wave Details

Received my shiny new C8 Pro today and followed the migration instructions. First, fairly impressed with the ease of the process. Sadly, Z-Wave devices aren't working or showing up under Z-Wave details. They are in the Devices page, but not responsive there. Zigbee showed up and seems to work just fine, though I didn't get into testing every device and app yet. There were no error messages when doing the migration and restore processes (yes, I've done it both ways).

So, after the first failed attempt (which was a cloud migration backup from the C5 at version to the C8 Pro at version and much searching in this forum, I'm ready to roll back to C5 for the night. I've done a number of reasonable and less reasonable attempts, such as:
.146 to .146 migration (multiple times, with both multiple backups and multiple attempts to restore the same backups)
.145 to .145 migration (rolled both back)
soft resets of the C8 Pro
reboots with repairs of the C8 Pro

So far I've been avoiding much of anything drastic with the C5, hoping to maintain it until the C8 Pro is up and running, but that goal seems elusive. I'm out of ideas. Some assistance and a fresh perspective on this issue would be appreciated at this point.

I haven't attempted to remove and add any of the devices to the C8 Pro manually just yet. I suppose that is an option, but a multi day one I don't have time for just yet.

There was an issue keeping migration from working correctly.

  1. Update both hubs on the current production release,
  2. Make a new cloud (if you have Hub Protect) or Migration (if you don't) backup from the C5
  3. Disable Zigbee & Z-Wavew radios on C5 and shut it down and unplug it
  4. Restore the backup on the C8-Pro

You should be good to go.

Extensive details on migration here:

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Thank you for the response. The migration instructions I mentioned are the ones you linked. Step three which you advise was not in the instructions and I never shut off the radios on the C5 before shutting it down. Other than that, I attempted your steps 1, 2, & 4. Multiple times for 2 and 4. Is shutting down the hub not good enough, does something good happen when turning off the radios which I missed out on?

You don't mention a 2.4.7>2.47 migration - did you do that combination?

Disabling the radios keeps that hub from interefering w/the new hub if it is turned on after the migration is completed, if the desire is to use it as a secodary hub. You don't want two hubs both w/the same Zigbee devices on them trying to talk to the devices. Unplugging is recommended IIRC because even when the hub is shut off and still plugged in there can be some radio noise from the hub.

But most importantly - are you sure you tried on the C5 > on the C8?

Can you post the screen that appears when you start the migration on the C8-Pro?

Afraid I don't understand what you mean by 2.4.7 > 2.47. If that was a typo about 2.3.7, then that is indeed the prefix to .145 and .146 I mentioned.

I'll be mindful of potential radio issues in the event Z-Wave starts working. In the mean time, I have been powering down and unplugging one before starting the other, so only one is operational at any given time.

And yes, I am sure I tried .146 to .146, and multiple times, including with soft resets in between. My first backup was with .146, as I updated the firmware before I made it. I had hoped restoring .146 to .145 was the issue when I first saw this issue(and maybe it is, though I did perform the soft reset as I mentioned). As there was no option to upgrade firmware before restoring a backup to the C8 Pro when following the instructions, I had to upgrade after the fact and then attempt the migration again (and more to follow). Screen shot below (I hope).

Yes, fat fingered typo, sorry. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the details.

Restore from C5 to C8-Pro failed to restore Z-Wave devices.

Tagging @bobbyD and @gopher.ny.

@summers.matthew.c - is your C-8 Pro on You have mentioned in the original post and a later reply that you have on the C-8 Pro and on the C-8. If that is true, that is likely the issue.

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The C8 Pro was at .146 for the most recent attempt.

I previously attempted the migration with both versions just to be sure. Apologize if the posts weren't clear on that point. When .146 to .146 didn't work, I rolled both back to .145, made a new backup and tried to restore that, just to rule out in my mind that it was the firmware change.

So I can add to what danabw said:
Restore from C5 to C8-Pro failed to restore Z-Wave devices.
Restore from C5 to C8-Pro failed to restore Z-Wave devices.

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Did you ever look at the z-wave details page to see if the devices carried over in there? Usually if z-wave is not working that would be blank. I did not see any mention of checking that page.

Could have just been that it did carry over but nothing had figured out routes yet.

Please send me a private message along with your hub ids. If first attempt fails, trying again one more time to see if it works, it should be all you need. If that doesn't work, performing the migration multiple times and running Soft Resets will not likely solve the problem, but rather increase the level of frustration.

Z-Wave Details is exactly where they are not showing up, I did take a look at that. I identified that being a problem, then checked devices and noticed they were in devices. Then I attempted to open them and manage them from devices and discovered they were unresponsive.

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bobbyD, thank you for your attention. Just to be very clear, you want the Hub UID from the Hub Details page?

Please check your message notifications in the upper right corner.

For giggles, once you've done the migration, shut down the new hub. (as well as the old) unplug for 2 mins and power backup. (do this with the old hub pre migration as well)

Thank you for the suggestion. Afraid that didn't alter the outcome.

Oh he just makes suggestions all the time to keep users busy until the fix is available. Makes the time pass faster.

However, if he asks you go shopping or run a 5K that's when it's OK to say "No."



Running a 5k could be a good distraction while I wait for the fix. Seems more useful than another reboot just now. Wont fix the HE, but might help my belly.


So the beta firmware fixed the issue, and now Z-Wave devices are showing up under Z-Wave Details on the C8 Pro. Big thanks to bcopeland and whoever else on the team worked on that fix.

New issue, getting the Z-Wave devices to work.

Have tried a few rounds of migration, following all tips and best practices in the Migrate to a new Hub and Hub Protect documentation. I see a lot of failed nodes when running a Z-Wave repair with the message "Repair failed node unreachable" before repair moves on to the next node.

Working on devices individually, if I run Replace, then put the device in discovery, it is never found, the process ends with "Replace Failed." I'm trying with a light dimmer switch which is about 8 feet of mostly free air to the C8 Pro.

Not sure what else I could try at this point, so coming back to the forum for basic trouble shooting help before we get the dev team involved again. I would guess that the devices are still looking for the old hub. Is there something else I could or should try here first? Maybe set the devices to "Hub Mesh Enabled" on the C5 or something? I've no idea what I'm talking about, just looking for any option that might make these things place nice with the C8 Pro.

Stop running constant repairs. Especially stop trying to use Replace.

Shut down the hub and unplug for 30 seconds, then boot back up. Just try using a couple of devices and see if the status comes back to the hub.

Does your C5 have the internal zwave radio or a dongle?

Yup, have the same issue. I thought things were good yesterday as I could see traffic from nodes in the logs. The units can talk to the hub but the hub cannot issue commands to some nodes. I let @bcopeland know last night and he had me send some info to him this AM. I don’t expect him to look into or resolve over the weekend though. Everyone needs time off. Hopefully a fix comes soon enough.

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