C-8 Pro

I don't necessarily ask permission. But, I include her in larger purchases because I respect that she and I have shared our resources for going on 37 years. In the beginning, I was an E- nothing in the navy and every penny mattered. Now, not so much. But, in our arrangement, my money is ours and her money is ours. So, it's only a matter of respect that I let her know I'm thinking of a purchase before I make it. Who knows? She might even have input I hadn't thought about.


I took delivery of my new C-8 just 2 weeks ago, for a ST to HE migration, only to get an email announcing the C-8 Pro a week later… I sent them an email saying “C-8 Pro What?” They gave me an RMA, but then I’m also within my 30-day trial. I then asked whether I would need Cloud Protect to migrate my radios, and I was told a migration method without Cloud Protect would be announced very soon. Soon needs to be in time to return the C-8…

A platform update has been released,, that will allow you to migrate from an older hub to the C8 Pro without Hub Protect.

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Nice. Thanks.

In my case I have 3, 1 per building (house, barn and workshop/office) It seemed the easiest route since all are networked using Unifi UBB's.

Just to clarify, the migration method is from hubitat to hubitat, not ST to hubitat so if you're coming from ST you will have to basically start from scratch.

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Sounds more like they migrated to the C-8, found out about and ordered the C-8 Pro, and are trying to return the C-8 before the return period ends. So needing to migrate C-8 -> C-8 Pro. Probably still a valuable clarification for new users.

@mazdaspeed has already completed the C8 to C8 Pro migration. Once Hubitat released the update yesterday to allow a Migration Backup to be created on their C8, they were then able to migrate to the C8 Pro.


I just asked my language model the philosophical difference between a need and want.

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That’s correct. As a new adopter to HE and still in my return period and only partially migrated from ST, the $30 price difference is a no-brainer. The C-8 goes back today.

C-8 to C-8 Pro was smooth. Had to clear my browser history to get Remote Admin to see the new hub registered to my account.

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Feel sorry for the C8...the C8-Pro is the new hub in town that is beating up all the C8's that thought they were kings of the beach. :wink:


Feels like the C-8 is Woody from Toy Story?


8 posts were split to a new topic: POE Adapter Discussion

Amazon https://a.co/d/1xcsP9S shows it as A55

Yep, I went ahead and got one, mostly because I've been wanting a cold-spare for my C8 as is, and I can use my old C8 as a cold-spare for a C8-Pro, as Hub Protect backups from a C8-Pro can be restored onto a C8 in a pinch. That way I'm not down for a couple days waiting on a Hub Protect replacement.

That said, it's definitely noticeably faster.


HE staff recently provided detailed info on the HW changes over generations...summary below, w/changes highlighted:


Can confirm, the difference in the C-8 Pro's performance is NOT subtle, especially in the UI navigation and boot times.


Have not seen any posts from you in a long time Mark. Maybe I just missed them. Anyway, it’s nice to see you’re still around. Curious which hub you were upgrading from?

If it is as danabw quotes and is an Amlogic A113X2 SOC
According to here it is an A53? So I am still confused as to what it is.

The info I shared came from HE staff directly, you can trust it. Original post:

I don't know why there is different info on Amazon.

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