Off-topic rant about security

yup also weird speed differences in ZW+ devices some say 40kbps others 100kpbs even though they are identical and are next to each other AND close to the hub. I've even seen a few 9.6kbps but usually a node repair clears that up.

Note: I am not concerned about 40kbps speed, everything works fine - it's just interesting when everything else is 100 even switches much further away..

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One of the 9.6kbps switches took 5 seconds to react today, that's why I started investigating

Seems like zwave repair still needs some engineering

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@bcopeland has said that changes to routing may not (maybe ususally will not) show up right away when a Z-Wave repair is done. I can't remember the time line, but you may want to check tomorrow to see if anything is different.

I had the same issue w/strange routing on SmartThings as well. Oddest was a Water Cop Z-Wave water valve in my garage. It connected across the entire house to a smart plug in my master bedroom, literally the farthest away device in my entire home, and from there back across the house again to the hub which was at the same end of the house as the valve. Completely bizarre...but the valve worked and stayed connected reliably.

I refuse to look at my Z-Wave Details screen unless something stops working. :wink:


Yeah I think the routing table updates every 30 mins

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I have a GE dimmer right next to two zen26. The zen26 communicate directly to the hub at 100k, the GE takes an extra hop and is at 9.6k. Maybe it’s the switch. It was one of my first zwave devices. It’s ZW+ because it reports back state w/o polling but that’s all I can say for it. It does not support scenes so I don’t trigger anything off it’s button presses anyway.

The routing table is updated constantly in real-time.. The GUI updates the route lists every 30 mins.

Correct.. It can actually take a few days for the mesh to fully settle.. Best thing to do, unless you have a lot of old devices is to just let the network figure it out.


Other than range/repeating issues can a persistent 9.6kbps be an indicator of a flaky ZW+ device? That's what I'm getting for at least one of the dimmers Zen24 I just migrated.

The others seem fine but as you say will wait a couple of days to see what happens.


I wonder how many HE meetings have included the agenda item:

  • When are we going to get rid of that $^@$%#%@#^! Z-Wave Details screen!



Yup I am in the wait mode as well to see how it goes. The dimmer is working fine so I don’t want to throw grease on the fire.

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It’s possible.. It’s also possible there is interference or attenuation. How persistent is it?..

Not very as I just migrated.. it's been reporting that for a few hours or so after several node repairs and a reboot everything else is 100 or 40 (mostly 100). Will see what happens tomorrow and report back.

Note: the dimmer might actually be the issue - the up takes a bit of effort to toggle sometimes.. I do have replacements so am not too concerned just interested if it were some way to help identify suspect ZW+ devices..

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Yea.. I wouldn’t worry about it too much then.. Let it sit for a few days..

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Btw thank you for your advice in another thread.. when I added the C-7 - I started with a bunch of repeaters first and then branched out from there. I really did not have very many pairing issues at all. It went well.




yes i noticed becuase my test zwave switch has been taking weird routes around the house as have other devices and the time went up from .3 sec to .7 secs.. i did repair yesterday it fixed it .. and now today it and a few other devices are again taking very weird routes.. node level repair fixed it agian.. I wish i could figure out what is going on.. Same as others two enbrighten in wall switches right next to each other one 100 speed the other some weird ■■■ route and 9.6


At the moment, for some reason (and it's been a couple days since I did some repairs, etc.), I've got like 5 things showing up at 9.6kbps.

And, oddly, one of the longest routes shows up at 100kbps:

01 -> 5B -> A3 -> 83 -> A7 -> 72 100kbps


Where 1 & 2 are in my loft--and 5 is in my basement.

#1: 01 -> 5B 100kbps

#2: 01 -> 2C -> A3 100kbps ("2C" is below 1 & 2 but about halfway to the Hub, but off a few feet to the right).

#3: 01 -> 83 100kbps

#4: 01 -> B1 -> A7 9.6kbps (oddly, "B1" is on the opposite side of the hub by about 10 feet from "A7").

I definitely get the idea that things "improve" after a day or two--but I'm still only getting about 80% of my devices to respond to my more "global" changes.

I have to do refreshes and redrive my rules to get all the lights, etc. to be properly set.

I'm not sure if I'm overloading the hub itself (i.e., too busy running rules), the Z-Wave Chip (i.e., too much action, so it drops incoming signals), or the mesh itself is flipping out.

If it is the radio or the mesh, I wonder if there's a way to have the hub throttle some of its outgoing commands so they don't swamp the network?

With many (most!) of my devices connected as S2, I do kinda wonder if there is extra network traffic involved.

Reporting back - my Upstairs Front Room Light dimmer is now reporting 100 kbps and route looks okay so things are settling down as anticipated (yayy!)

To reiterate my earlier post from Bryan's advice - when adding a C-7, place some repeaters down first BEFORE doing anything else. Not really sure why this worked so well versus just adding in powered repeating devices like switches directly - maybe a repeater is a much "simpler" device with less overhead so can establish good routes/mesh faster?


Yeah this looks like catch 22 where everyone is just "following the Z-Wave specification". Our engineers claim that it's the Z-Wave hub that needs to trigger the security level per the Z-Wave specification while Hubitat confirms that the 700 DSK doesn't allow that.

We'll continue looking for solutions here but it looks like using a 500 stick as secondary controller it the only workaround available now for this device.


:wink: [eek!]



Exactly... BUT I'm ever the optimist and positive we'll figure it out :wink: