Hi, my C7 is disconnected from the cloud and I'm unable to reconnect it.
I did derigister the hub from my.hubitat.com and when I register it back it shows in my.hubitat.com but from october 10th the last time it communicated
I also did the shutdown and unplugged for 30 seconds
My C-8 on the same network, same version and is ok
Use the ping test to try the default first, then also try a domain such as cloud.hubitat.com
Post screenshot of results.
If the IP ping fails your hub cannot reach the internet at all. If the Domain test fails then your hub cannot resolve DNS. Either of those failing is probably a network issue on your LAN (not hub related). If both pass then something else is going on.
It shows up on the registered hubs portal and if you click Hub Details it shows a date from October still? Example from my hub:
Go to the main page of the hub UI (click logo in top left corner), look for a tile that says something about registering. If you have that tile click it on and verify the hub is registered. If its already registered it should not have that tile.
Also check Settings > Hub Details and make sure the "Emails linked to this hub" is showing the email you log into the online portal for the registered hubs.
Might need @bobbyD to explore your account and see what is going on.
I do have the Register tile on the main page and I don't see my email on the hub details page, just a link:
I tried the reload, I did deregister the hub in the portal and clicked again to register on the main page, it comes back in the registered hubs, but with the 10/10/2024 date...
I did click on it multiple time, it ask me to login then comes back to the hub and the tile is still there, but the hub is added to the registered hub on my account but still with the 10/10/2024 date and old version.
You could try to update the time from browser on Hub Details page or in the Diagnostic Tool, if you didn't try that already. It may take a while for the hub to reconnect if the time was off.
Other than that, make sure your router doesn't have a rule to disable the hub's internet access.
Hi, I did the update time from browser and verified to be sure it the hub is not block anyware, only have an Asus router and it can go thru... it was able to ping and cloud.hubitat.com before.
I'll try to see if the time update will fix it later!
thank you
I finally removed the IP reservation for my C-7 Hub and did a full shutdown, unplugged fro 30 second.
Once rebooted I had a new IP from the DHCP, but I'm still at the same place, unable to register the hub and now when I try to Deregister hub it tells me I have a subscription to that hub ( I don't) and can't deregister it...
As before, I have no problem with my C-8 on the same network and account and this is the hub with the subscription.
"Error! An error occurred! The message was not sent."
As if it's impossible to get in contact with Hubitat to fix a problem... The only real support I got was from user jtp10181 and nothing since I tried to open a ticket with hubitat.
Guys I bought 3 Hub from you and paying the subscription for the last 3 years and feels like once I paid and need real helps it just doesn't exist.