[C-7] [] - Help Needed - Z-Wave devices missing in Z-Wave Details

I'm not sure what the deal is but all my Z-Wave devices have disappeared from the Z-Wave Details screen. This happened sometime today as the last activity I saw on any device was mid-morning, 9a-10a. It was on and I upgraded to before I realized that devices were missing. I restored from yesterday's backup (2-4-23) but no difference. I made no changes prior to the disappearance. I am getting pretty frustrated with this thing. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

The first thing I would try is to shut down the hub from the settings menu. Wait until you get a red light then unplug power from the wall outlet, not from the hub. Wait a few minutes then power up. This will reset the Z-wave radio.


I had the same situation earlier today. Hub was very sluggish when I got up this morning, and when I started looking//troubleshooting I saw all Z-Wave devices had disappeared. I tried the power down wait 5 minute trick, and all the devices re-appeared, but none of the repeaters were repeating. One thing I had previously noticed was the database size on this hub was growing each day. Usually stays around 7-8mb today it was 12MB then 16MB and finally 18MB. I received no system load error messages during this period.

Ultimately, I performed a soft reset and reloaded the most recent backup and so far, we seem to be back to normal. DB is 8MB. Currently on

The 5 minute power cycle worked. Wonderful! Thank you @Sakman.

@rabell Where do you see the database size? I've looked in Hub Details and the Diagnostics Tool menu but not seeing it. Thanks.

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Install Hub Info V3 device

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