[Build 218] SmartStart Mostly Duplicated Last Added Device

Went to add a new device in (Zooz ZEN15 800LR). When I attempted to add it using SmartStart it MAY have added it as the 3rd device. In the SmartStart device list the 3rd device has the correct (long) SmartStart # but the status is "not included, pending" and the Name and Location are duplicated from the 2nd device in the list (in my case the name was ZAC38-2 and it is in the Kitchen).

Should I delete this and try again? It has been pending for ~2 hours now so I do not think it is going to add successfully and it does not show up in the Z-Wave Details on the hub itself.

Just figured I would share this odd behavior and check if any other information is needed.

Please make sure the device isn't listed on your Z-Wave Details page with LR label. Likely it is, and is working just fine. Enhancement to the Mobile app is coming in the next release that will help.

You can remove the device from the Mobile app regardless if the device was included or not.

If the device is listed but not working, then run an exclusion before attempting to include it again.

It DID finally appear on the Z-Wave settings list about and does appear to be working. I had checked the Z-Wave Details page before posting originally and it was not there at the time (wish I had taken a screenshot) but now it is the last device on the list.

Where should I see the LR label? The last 3 devices I have added ZAC38-1, ZAC38-2, and ZEN15 are all LR and I added them through SmartStart specifically because I wanted to set up a decent base as I start replacing old Z-Wave devices (eventually).

Here is a screenshot showing those 3:

It looks like the LR inclusion didn't work :frowning: for any of those. I would exclude them, then try again. After you scan a QR code, don't do anything else, just go to Z-Wave Details page and look for LR label:

The ZAC38 is 800, but not LR -- it's primarily designed as a mesh extender, so pairing LR would nullify that capability.

If it could be paired LR, it would still be useful as a power outage monitor, but I'm guessing Zooz decided that would be too confusing & troublesome trying to explain/manage the pairing differences.

Perhaps that will change in the future when LR becomes more mainstream.

If you haven't seen it yet, I consider @jtp10181's SmartStart Manager app a requirement for LR pairings (and any non-LR SS pairings) -- it's an excellent and super useful companion app.

See his second post in this thread for more specific LR pairing instructions.


Thanks, I will have to do that now that I know what to look for.

@hydro311: Thanks for pointing that out. I THOUGHT the ZAC38 was LR, but you are right it is 800 only... Doh. I have five other LR devices (that I just double checked about) to add in... but I will want to make sure I get the ZEN15 800LR settled first.

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