[Broken] MyQ Lite Application

Geesh! People need to cool their jets a little bit :slight_smile:

A few things -

  1. MyQ could break this any time they want. That's the risk we take when we're using an unofficial API. They can break it slightly (like they did this time), significantly (like they did about a year ago), or permanently (which they haven't yet chosen to do). Any time you use an unofficial integration using an undocumented API, please keep the "buyer beware" in mind. I do my best to keep it working, but no guarantees whatsoever.

  2. Craftsman openers will work with this integration, that's what I have. Yes, it uses a different server but the code handles that

  3. They did change their API, just ever so slightly and @aaiyar's fix is correct. The API call /api/v5/Login used to expect JSON like { "username": "the username", "password": "the password"} and now it expects { "Username": "the username", "Password": "the password"} why did they do this? I have no idea, but they did. Maybe it was part of the way of locking Wink out... who knows?

  4. I do not think it's valuable to spend time to add code to try the uppercase and lowercase version in case they "change it back." They didn't do this by accident, it was a deliberate change since it means they also had to update all of their mobile apps to support it (which do NOT fallback to lowercase either). Odds are if they are trying to break it for others, they'll do something else to break it, not make this lowercase. That said, the code is 100% open source and anyone can fork it however they like!

  5. I've already published a fix to github for this along with other fixes that had been made in the ST code so that this code is in-sync with ST.


Thanks - I didn't know that. Good to know it now! Also, sorry if anything I did pissed you off - totally not my intention.

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Haha, not pissed off at all. I'm glad you were able to get people going! Just surprised how quickly people got going in a bunch of different directions jumping to conclusions about banning the API, asking why the code works a certain way (I haven't a clue, I didn't write it, I just ported it to HE).

Just really seemed like there were a half a dozen people who were like "why isn't this fixed already??????" -- short answer, because I have a day job and do this in my free time :slight_smile:


Thank you aaiyar! Even though I now have this working I will be switching to the new zwave plus linear garage door controller. I'm going to solder it to the wall switch circuit board. Cloud API dependency gone forever!

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My sincere apologies if I somehow offended you. I understand that you have a day job, and I am grateful that you ported Brian Beairdā€˜s driver from SmartThings to Hubitat. I was just trying to show my configuration details to help an analysis of common points with other users. Apparently, while Ashok was typing his post, I was reading the similar posts in the SmartThings forum for Brian Beairdā€™s driver, and reading Brianā€™s change log today for his fix.

Again, sincere apologies and thanks to both of you.

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Wasnā€™t directed at any one person. Just seemed like a lot of chatter really quickly!


Thatā€™s an indication of how invaluable your driver is to so many people. Again, thanks.


If you only knew the history!

One of the weirdest things Iā€™ve seen on any community anywhere was @dman2306 being criticized by someone here when he ported the current ST MyQ integration to HE.

Lol. But thatā€™s what we do ... chatter.

Appreciate the fix @aaiyar & @dman2306. I actually thought any resolution would be days out.

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Fortunately it occurred on a holiday so I wasnā€™t at work!


Wow, fixed before I knew it was broken. Amazing. Thank YOU!!


Same here. I'm all updated now and good to go, Thanks.

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I just read through this and made the change. Awesome! I'm working again. It was hit and miss but today it just said no more. All good now.

Noob question...sorry. I had everything working before, but like others, it stopped working. I understand I need to change something, but Iā€™m not quite sure where to make the changes. Any help??? Thanks!

You need to update the code. There is a new version of the app available.

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I get that part, but where exactly....thanks

Do I have to delete everything and start from scratch?

You don't need to delete anything. If you installed it from github, simply paste the new code in over the code you previously pasted.

My recommendation though would be, if you're struggling with how to update apps, you might want to take a look at [BETA] Hubitat Package Manager which automates managing apps and drivers for you including updating them.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :+1:t2:

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Just installed Hubitat Package Manager... what a smart piece of code. This is very helpful. It found and updated exactly what I was trying to do... Thanks again!!!