[Broken] MyQ Lite Application

I've borked up my app install by trying to delete and re-add the app. Now I can't get past this error:

There was a problem updating devices:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'deviceNetworkId' on null object.
Line number: 611
Last successful step: Sensor Indexing

Any way to scrub my old install fully and start fresh? Maybe I have to shell into HE and nuke some directory? Thanks!

Not possible.

How did you install the MyQ Lite integration? Manually, or by HPM? Removal instructions depend on how you installed.

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Hmm... probably manually at first, then HPM "found" it and was doing the patching since then.

Ok, then it’s just as if you had installed by HPM.

You should just have to do a “Repair” on the MyQ Lite integration. If that doesn’t work, then here is what you have to do:

Delete any devices that are created by the MyQ Lite, as well as the app. To do this, open the MyQ Lite app and click the Uninstall button. This will break any rules you have created for the garage door opener, and will put a ? on the garage door tile. You can fix the tile after the new version is installed, fixing the rules is a little more difficult but depends on what you have done.

Then, go into HPM and click Repair. This will install new code for the app and drivers.

Then open the MyQ app and configure again.

OK! All done! I had to add a user app to get it in the app list again, programmed it up, device created. I've added a MyQ gate opener today to the pre-existing garage door opener+sensor but there's no open/close sensor to pair it with the gate, so I think that's what the app was barfing on. I'll add a z-wave contact sensor to the gate later on. Thanks!

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You REALLY need to add the contact sensor. Seriously.


since last update for the hub, myq app isn't working, looking at the logs i see Token has expired. Logging in again

I went to the myq app, log back in i see my doors. i exit out of the app. but next time i leave the house and come back it will not open the door.

What else can i do ?

i also ran the action from the rule and the door will open, my trigger is presense.

i figured it out, the presence on my phone wasn't working correctly.

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Why will this not work with the MyQ tilt sensors? If we can talk to the MyQ hub, why can't we query sensor state?

...because MyQ says that they will suspend your account if you do...


To add to what that lightening typist @thebearmay said, because Chamberlain will block IPs and accounts that poll the MyQ sensor. Dominick Meglio refuses to add that capability to his ported driver for that reason.

Just get a contact sensor and add it. That will also give you greater security in case someone tries to pry open your garage door.


I'm confused - doesn't the MyQ app (the actual app they put out which is on my phone) do exactly that?

Evidently Chamberlain's servers whitelist their own app .....

And this isn't an uncommon practice. For a long time, I used DeeeeLAN's homebridge integration for SleepIQ (Sleep Number beds).

Well, Sleep Number reached out to him to pull his integration because it was overwhelming their servers. Details below:


Just to clear a misconception. Both the Hubitat MyQ app and the Chamberlain phone app connect to Chamberlain's cloud servers. Neither one of them talks directly to the MyQ hub.


Glad to see this app. I added it through package manager a little ways back and finally found a contact sensor (these things seem to be hard to come by lately?). Works great! The only flaw I see is that there is a button in the device driver for it to report "door moving" but it doesn't seem to report this as Alexa can't tell if the door is working after she sends the command.

I'm getting these log errors and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to resolve it?

2022-04-08 02:46:31.083 pm errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_brbeaird_MyQ_Garage_Door_Opener_NoSensor_544.updateSensorBattery() is applicable for argument types: (java.math.BigDecimal) values: [100] (method updateSensorBattery)

Other than these constant log errors, the driver seems to work perfectly.

So you're using the No Sensor driver, but trying to update the sensor's battery reading? Maybe the wrong device driver was set up @dman2306?


You really need a sensor with this automation. Seriously.


I do have sensors with this driver... when I have some extra time, maybe I'll double check the setup and possibly re-install the driver. Looking at thebearmay comment, it seems maybe those sensors didn't take during my install.

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