[Broken] MyQ Lite Application

Not with the original MyQ. Not sure about this model.

Not sure what model you are using but mine reports opening a closing as well as open and closed. Part way down depends on the direction. One button press will stop it. If you are using a remote or a wired switch it will then go in reverse but using the Hubitat you can chose the direction.

That's interesting. I have myQ-G0401-ES with extra add-on sensor. So I assumed sensor version is what I supposed to install. But I kept getting the following error:

So the explanation of MyQ sensors are not accessible makes sense and explain the error message with the sensor version of driver. What is interesting to me is though Home Assistant MyQ integration actually provides open and closed information. How could they get the access while Hubitat Apps cannot?


If you still having the issue, you can install no-sensor driver and it installs and works. You lose open and closed status information.

First off, to be clear, Chamberlain do not have an official API, so this integration (ported from ST by @dman2306) is unofficial. Chamberlain have made breaking changes 3-4 times in the last 2 years to their servers that @dman2306 had to work around.

Secondly, HomeBridge and Home Assistant do so at the risk that Chamberlain will block access from IP addresses that poll repeatedly to maintain open/closed state accurately.

So a design decision was made (first by the ST spp developers, and then by @dman2306) not to do that in this integration.


Well, two points. First, I don’t run Home Assistant, so I have no information on that front. But, second, I came to Hubitat a year ago from Wink (via 2 weeks on SmartThings, when I realized what was happening on SmartThings) because Chamberlain and Wink separately sent me emails saying that Wink/Chamberlain interoperability was being discontinued. Wink said it was because Chamberlain wanted to charge big bucks to continue the Wink integration. I asked the very same question about the SmartThings/Hubitat MyQ integration (the Hubitat integration is a port of the SmartThings integration) and was told that Chamberlain/LiftMaster had started blocking access to IPs that were trying to get the sensor status, which is why the SmartThings/Hubitat MyQ integration requires an added sensor.

Edit: I see that Ashok (@aaiyar) and I were typing a reply at the same time. He seems to type faster than I do.


Interesting. Thank you for the detailed explanation.

As I recall openHAB and perhaps HomeSeer also allowed open/close status though latter I can’t be certain as I gave up on it really quick.

The design decision makes total sense. I wish (really just personal), it would be nice to have that upfront disclaimer so as a new user like myself knows, it is BY CHOICE not by platform limitation.

Obviously, blame here goes to Chamberlain!!


I downloaded the MyQ integration using Hubitat Package Manager. But I don't yet have sensors for the doors. Do I still use the Garage (Control) tile template for Dashboard? Because those give me a big question mark.

When you don’t have a sensor, it doesn’t know the state of the door. That is most likely why you have a question mark, but it could also be that the wrong template type was used.


Follow up question to the above. I can see that the MyQ app can install the doors with or without sensors.

So, which sensors should I get to make this integration seamless? I want to be able to see the open/closed status on my Hubitat dashboards, and I want to be able to import these doors into Alexa and tell her to open/close the doors and see the open/close status in the Alexa App. As it stands, I can now tell Alexa to open/close the doors, but of course, without the sensors she doesn't know if they are open or closed.

Also, when you get and install the sensors, do you pair them first with Hubitat, and then install them in the My Q App, or do you leave them unpaired first and the MyQ App takes care of pairing them during the door driver installation?

I use the Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7 (Non-Pro). The Aeotec DWS 7 has been superseded by the Aeotec DWS 7 Pro, which has the added feature of a gyroscope. You can still get the DWS 7 non-Pro at a discount.

As you must know, allowing Alexa to open the garage door is a security risk, and requires that you say a PIN code. I allow Alexa to close the garage but not to open it.


In one location, I use a tilt sensor and in another, I have a virtual switch turned on by IFTTT when the door is open or closed, as reported to IFTTT any MyQ.

The tilt sensor needs to be setup in Hubitat so that it may be used in the app.


Any sensor that lets you see door position (open vs closed). If it helps, I use an old GoControl contact sensor that I've converted into a tilt sensor by connecting a mercury tilt switch to the external contacts. The tilt switch was ~$5 for 10; if you lived nearby, I'd give as many as you wanted. And I had the GoControl contact sensor since June of 2014 - it was one of the first devices I paired to Wink.


The Samsung (Zigbee) multi-sensor was great for this, but they are hard to come by now. If you can find one, I would pick one up. There is the Ecolink tilt sensor (Zwave) that is available. Most of Ecolink stuff works fairly well, but I have never used this particular sensor.


So I'm hearing the term "tilt sensor" a lot. I gather that a tilt sensor works by being moved from vertical position (which would correspond to door being closed) to a non-vertical/horizontal position which it reads as "open."

Would it be safe to say that, any sensor that Hubitat can use to read "open" or "closed" status should be readable in Alexa (when the sensor and door is imported into Alexa via Hubitat) as well?

Correct - any contact sensor can work for. Once you associate it with the MyQ app, the garage door control will know the door’s status. As for Alexa, it will be able to use the garage door control device or the sensor device itself to know if the door is open or closed. I use the garage door control myself.

Have a look at your garage door to see if there are places to attach a contact sensor on the frame adjacent to a door panel that moves. For mine, I had room between the vertical door track and the wall to mount an open/close sensor. Along the top of the door may work.

You could even put the open/close sensor on the traveler if there's a convenient place to mount it that doesn't interfere with operation.

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Yes. Here’s a simple way to mount any contact sensor on a garage door to determine closed and open positions.

This is what I did ... used a Ring contact sensor, since they're small (and I had a spare one), i just paired with with HE and not with my Ring alarm....

Thanks everyone. After looking at your suggestions and looking at my garage doors, I ended up buying the Ecolink Z-Wave Plus Garage Door tilt sensor :https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MRZB0NT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It worked perfectly. Paired on the first try despite doing it at my garage door which is rather far from my Hubitat on the second floor. It's sticking well to the garage door so far. I used the MyQ integration to create a Main Garage Door device with this sensor to create an integrated door control/door sensor device that reads as such in my dashboard. I was also able to import this device into Alexa which recognized it as a garage door control and now I can open/close it using Alexa voice commands as well. Very cool!

Just thought I'd mention it here for the benefit of anyone else looking to do this.


Just FYI, I bought another of the Ecolink Z-Wave tilt sensor and had an identical experience - paired very fast, on the first try, works flawlessly and the garage door control + sensor can be controlled within Alexa.

Only one thing I noticed - when I used the MyQ Lite App to modify the existing garage door control without the sensor, it gave me a weird error message that crashed the whole App, forcing me to reload it. Instead, if you have an existing garage door control, I recommend removing it and then adding it back with the sensor. That's what worked for me.