Broken Hubitat( UNbroken- Resolved)

Just came home from vacation and lights do not work. Hubitat C-5 rev is online. Device list is available. Remotes has no contact with hub (=flashing red when I press keys). Turning on/off from Devices does not work. Z-Wave Details are empty (see below). Repair Z-Wave finishes in just a few seconds. Zigbee remotes and my single zigbee lamp works perfectly. Restarting Hubitat makes no difference.
I guess I'm screwed and the hardware is broken? I am in Europe - is Z-Wave on the external USB stick, or is it built-in? If it's the stick, could I use the Aeotec stick I have lying around?

Parts of log file. Q10 and Qig01 are Zigbee remotes. Tevehörnan, Hub, etc are WiFi media devices.

don't do anything crazy like that :smiley:

You probably just need to cycle power. Do a shutdown via the menu. Then pull the power plug from the wall... (to prevent the delicate Micro USB from breaking.) Wait 30 seconds and power it back up.

What's probably happened is that the ZWave radio got 'jammed' and is not really answering. Shutdown alone isn't enough, it's a power cycle that restarts the Z-Radios.


This just happened to me yesterday(C7 with updated z-wave firmware). Power pull fixed it. I did 30 minute shutdown-probably excessive


yea, you just need to wait for all the filter capacitors to bleed down. Probably 30 seconds is enough. 30 mins is more than enough :smiley: :smiley:


This won't explain Zigbee or Z-Wave troubles, but it also looks like one of your apps (app:31) is throwing an un-handled error, which could be bad news for whatever (I assume?) integration that is. If you aren't sure what it is, clicking the red "error" box (or any similar box) on any of those app:31 lines will take you directly to the app, or clicking "app:31" will filter the list to just those entries and highlight the app name at the top.

Again, probably not your biggest problem, but...possibly a problem. :smiley:


Sorry, but powercycling did not help. :frowning:

On a C5 European hub, Zigbee is built-in and Z-Wave uses an external USB Radio stick. If that external Z-Wave USB radio is removed, the hub may try using its internal North America frequency Z-Wave radio.

Have you reached out at @support_team or @bobbyD yet to open a case?

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Thanks for the information. So my Aeotec stick might work? I guess I would need to re-pair all my devices?

No, I have not opened a ticket. Honestly I can't find a way to do that, but that is probably just me... Are they listening now?


Another option. Make sure your stick is in of course. Go to yourhubip:8081 and do a soft reset. When it comes up restore the earliest backup you have. Once that is done, shut down from the settings menu. Unplug hubitat at the wall (not the hub) for about 5 mins and power back up. See how that works for you. It sounds like you have a corrupted DB, this probably would fix it.

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I am somewhat at a loss as to why it works, but it does. I left it powered off with disconnected cord while at work (last try it was somewhere 30sec-1min) and jiggled the USB dongle a bit before powering it on again, and now it works. I'm guessing the dongle, although a) it was firmly in place before, and b) no one has been here, so it can't have been moved.

Anyway, thanks for all your help.

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Sometimes just reseating connections is all it takes. I used to repair POS systems for a large retail pharmacy and can't count how many times I drove hours just to reseat a connection.

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I just want to let everyone know that the underlying issue has been found (yes, the problem resurfaced quite quickly again, see my other threads). Indees it was the dongle, but a much more serious error than a loose adapter; Hubitat are using older and buggy firmware for their EU Z-Wave sticks, and very likely for the EU C-7 as well. Some more details here.

Tired Over It GIF by Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

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