Broadlink RM IR device api

I wish I was that snarky, in reality I've just been so busy I haven't had a chance to come in here. My hub was acting up as well so the whole home automation thing really fell by the way side. I've been turning on my lights manually (gasp)

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This is the v5 arm version for most raspi's

This is the version I just compiled for raspi 4 (untested)

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New Release with specific support for RM Mini 3 (most people were fine with the RM Mini support, but this adds the device signature for RM Mini 3 specifically)

I've gotten a couple PM's about RF support, I didn't add it because I don't have a RF supporting device, I only have rm mini 3's - if anyone has a spare they want to lend me I'll try and look into it.

Can you clarify this with more details to a newbie please? I downloaded the latest release, broadlinkgo-linux-arm8-raspi4, but am not given any opportunity to extract something. It simply asks me to "Select an application to open 'executable' files."

Thank you.


I'm not sure what I meant with the extracting step. It looks like the executable is directly in @rob121's release, but the .service file is in the source code archive so that was probably it.

Regardless, I'd recommend executing this from the command-line rather than the Pi GUI. Open up a command window and navigate to the directory where you stored the broadlinkgo executable. You may have to 'sudo chmod +x <filename>' to make it executable.

Check this out

@tomw I tried that. No dice. I have to chalk it up to linux ignorance.

@Rxich I found that. Unfortunately, the developer pulled the code and it's no longer available.

You need to do 'sudo ./broadlinkgo-linux-arm8-raspi4' to invoke the executable.

I think I'm going to try the Node Red option that I found. if I struggle to get past the first step here, that's probably a good sign that I shouldn't continue. :slightly_smiling_face:

@stephen_nutt I would just point out from your screen shot that you spelled the program name wrong (omitted the k). Of course use what you please but you really were close!


i tried again with the "k" then used what @tomw suggested and got a Syntax error.


I am sure that I am doing something newbie-ish so i am going to examine other option.

That syntax error leads to a possible error in the file. I will be hopefully trying to load this up on my pi 4 tonight, and I'll try and grab screenshots of the steps, if I get the same error I'll also try and see if I can debug the file, unless if @rob121 has already replied about any of this by the time I get the moment to start playing with it.

I am out of town but a cursory look tells me a couple things:

  1. I can’t compile to binary if there is a syntax error - so if that is one of my releases I’m sceptical that error is from a syntax error
  2. I do load a config file and that will report a syntax error in the config file if it’s malformed
  3. that is a raspberry 4 binary, is the target a raspberry 4?
  4. nothing is impossible so it could still be my binary :slight_smile:

I actually forgot about this, but I just tried and I get the same error on my Pi4

for grins, i downloaded the arm5 version for pi3. That seems to work on the pi4 as well..

That's the one I'm running. But mine is running on an actual Pi 3.

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I suggest trying with the arm5 version, as it seems to work (at least launch, I haven't gone further than that at this point). Also a terminal tip, to avoid spelling errors, if you just start typing the item then hit tab, it will auto complete the file name if theres no other files of the same name, if there is it'll fill till the differences and you can then type the next character and continue.

I had both the arm8 and arm5 versions in the same folder, i typed b then hit tab, it completed to arm. I then typed 5 and tab and it filled the rest of the name. Helps eliminate typos on file names.

not sure if this info helps any, but info on the CPU/RAM for the pi4 that I have, in the off chance you don't have one and need the details?

Thanks for this, it works brilliantly on my pi and is so simple to setup and get working.
Perfect solution for local RF control especially if you have an under utilised pi lying around.

Well, the Windows (PC) version works great! I have a server running , I was gonna build an Ubuntu server for it, but since the PC runs all the time, why not.

Another IFTTT saved! and Local too!!! WOOT!

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