Broadlink IR/RF remotes integration (RM3 Mini, RM Pro, RM4 Mini/Pro)

Correct me if I'm wrong but with this driver am I able to control the commands that are saved inside the BL App?

No, the commands from the Broadlink app aren't accessible.

You will have to re-learn them or import them from some other source, such as a pronto codes repository.

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I'm a newcomer. I want to ask how to sendSavedCode with this virtual device. What I should I insert in the push section?

Are you talking about in dashboard or in Button Controller/Rule Machine?

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You can use either command sendSavedCode or push. In both cases, you just pass the name of the saved code as the parameter to the command.

If you use sendSavedCode for an IR code, you can pass a second parameter to indicate how many times the code should be sent.

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Hi everybody.

I have an issue with learning RF.
Every time I try to learn RF, a few seconds after I click button on my remote control, I'm receiving error in Hubitat:

javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length not multiple of 16 bytes on line 1033 (method readbackResponse)
parseRF resp = 1B00000000000000000000000000
sweep successful: freq = 433910
parseRF resp = 1A00000001F69E06000000000000

I saw another user had the same issue, but I do not know how he fixed it.
Could you please help me to figure out what is wrong?

Thank you !

I have not been able to reproduce that error, but another user proposed a code fix to address it.

I will send you a private message with the modified code so that you can test to see whether it fixes your issue.

I really appreciate being able to bring Broadlink into my HA setup.

Can a flag be placed in the code so that the logs indicate the alias instead of the code sent to the device?

If no longer being updated, I will change my own to do this, but I don't want to fork another branch.

So far I am controlling a remote controlled lamp and two Mini Splits.

Sure, I can add this. Just making sure I understand - you want the sendSavedCode command to emit a debug log of the name of the code that is being sent?

I just posted version 0.9.8, which has a fix for the IllegalBlockSizeException reported here.

Hopefully this fixes the issues that @user2764, @user996, and possibly others were seeing.

(@user3200 still has an issue with their RF device that I'm hoping we can debug and get working.)


The updated version has been working like a charm for me. Spent the bulk of yesterday programming some automations to work with the device my RM4 Pro controls now that @tomw's driver got it functional with my Hub.

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@Tomw 11/29/22 9:47pm cst Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app Please notify the package developer..

Please note this was shortly after the Platform Version update tonight, I can download it directly however.

Did you have my Broadlink package installed previously?

The usual cause of that error is having an HPM version that is too old to support Bundles.

Please check your HPM version (just look at the top of the Hubitat Package Manager code in Apps Code). You want 1.8.5 or newer, and I would recommend 1.8.7 currently.

EDIT: I just noticed that you said a manual installation works. I'll update my Hubitat software and try to reproduce what you're seeing.

I will check my HPM as well but it should be current. I wanted you to know. Tom, HPM
is current.

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I just updated to and did an HPM Repair of my package (at version 0.9.8).That's the closest to a clean install that I can do without deleting my virtual devices. :wink:

Would you mind trying a repair in HPM to see if it succeeds?

EDIT: just checking, what version did the HPM source code show? Because of the change in ownership and GitHub path, HPM the app may say that it is current on a prior version if you are 'stuck' on the old branch. This has created some confusion in debugging these issues, so I wanted to ask about the version in the source code because that is the most conclusive way to tell.

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Hey @joey10e58, I saw your question in the other thread.

In order to get your Broadlink device configured, you have to complete this step (which was probably easy to miss in the Manual Installation section):

In the Devices section of Hubitat, add a New Virtual Device of type Broadlink Remote. See below for configuration instructions.

@tomw thank you so much! I did miss that and now that you pointed that out I am all good.

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I will move that step to the Virtual Device configuration instructions section so that it is more clear.

@tomw its working now and installed no problem with the HPM, the errors of file not found is gone. Off to set this this up and give it a try.

Sorry but I couldn't get an answer by searching so am asking here: How do I control sub-devices without learning the IR codes? I mean, is there a way to select the sub-device or something? I have an RM4 mini and I added my Sony remote to it so now I am stuck at adding it to Hubitat. Have the virtual device setup with the broad link driver...what's my next steps?