5904 2615.389224 0xbead Broadcast ZigBee ZDP 114 Match Descriptor Request, Nwk Addr: 0xfffd, Profile: 0x0104
Frame 5904: 114 bytes on wire (912 bits), 114 bytes captured (912 bits) on interface 0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 17754, Dst Port: 17754
ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol, Channel: 20, Length: 54
IEEE 802.15.4 Data, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000
ZigBee Network Layer Data, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0xbead
ZigBee Application Support Layer Data, Dst Endpt: 0, Src Endpt: 0
Frame Control Field: Data (0x08)
Destination Endpoint: 0
Match Descriptor Request (Cluster ID: 0x0006)
Profile: ZigBee Device Profile (0x0000)
Source Endpoint: 0
Counter: 21
ZigBee Device Profile, Match Descriptor Request, Nwk Addr: 0xfffd, Profile: 0x0104
Sequence Number: 11
Nwk Addr of Interest: 0xfffd
Profile: Home Automation (0x0104)
Input Cluster Count: 1
Input Cluster List
Input Cluster: OTA Upgrade (0x0019) (OTA Upgrade)
Output Cluster Count: 0
catchall: 0000 0006 00 00 0040 00 BEAD 00 00 0000 00 00 0AFDFF040101190000
Should I be seeing match descriptor requests in my driver?