Bored and looking for ideas

I'm bored and looking for ideas of things to automate or work on... ideas?

Back yard irrigation turn on when deer enters to it? Lol

It's rainy day here in FL, so I'm bored too

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Buy me some window shades. I'll even let you install them and integrate them with my Lutron system.

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It's a warm 12 degrees F and snowing here.... outside will have to wait :slight_smile:

I don't have blinds yet... but my wife likes curtains... I've thought of it before and she won...I've thought about the powered curtain systems but never went further than just thinking about them.

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Take all your devices and move them to different locations and just see how it goes.


Would be fine for me... I don't have any ZigBee in use for anything but testing a couple sensors.

I am however rolling out some Insteon stuff just to see how it goes. So far very well.

Yeah, that's what I've been doing more often than not. Optimizing. There's definitely a wall though. The big thing I've been waiting to do is the Hampton Bay fan thing. But I'm going to wait for the Lutron Fan Control Pico to do that.

I have always wanted to have control of gmail or maybe even controlling my Irrigation Controller!!

I ordered a Insteon Keyad (6 button) to pair with a fanlinc. I'll see how that goes. I like the keypad with custom buttons/labels for the fan high/low/off so wife and kids "might" stop asking how to turn the fan on in the summer :slight_smile:

control of gmail???

Lol sorry, no snow here, just raining and raining

You know be able to receive emails from gmail and use the subject or email address it is coming from to control a rule. Or speak "your have mail"!

Is there a request category for apps? Someone might work on that if they have a need for it as well.

Just messing with you John. I do hope someone has something good to suggest though.

I know :slight_smile: I'm just mulling looking for something new to automate or break or something really new to try. I don't work with groovy enough or Hubitat development enough to do apps really

hot water re-circulation system so you have instant hot water for the bathroom shower/sink
After you have it installed you will think meh it's ok but then try turning it off and trying without it.
It will go right back on.
It does take a little fine tuning to get the settings just right.

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Not really something to do on a cold winter day/weekend.... nor within the current WAF friendly budget....

This should be on your to-do list, eh?


Go to Amazon and type zigbee. You will definitely be able to kill a couple hours there.

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