Bored and looking for ideas

Why Zigbee?

BTW - I don't use ZigBee with the exception of 2 ZLL bulbs currently in use. ZigBee is interesting, but other than playing with it with deCONZ I moved away from it for real use for now.

ok... type z-wave or smart home. :smile:

I have both but no zigbee bulb for me on HE. All my bulbs are on Hue bridge or WIFI.

Whole house water leak detector using an old web camera pointed at the main water meter. Have it Detect the needles moving and FTP a file to a server which, after some leak detection logic, then makes a rest call to the HE maker api to fire off a TTS announcement and pushover notifications

I think I've already seen everything z-wave, zigbee on amazon... a couple of times :wink:

Phyn and Moen both released products that do this in a different way:

I don't have a water meter. I'm on a well. In the plans is to monitor how many times and for how long the pump is turned on, but if there's a water leak the crawl space sensors will alert or the sensor by the pressure tank that is now in the garage will alert.

I’ve got the toilets running a few times with it

You can quite easily do this with IFTTT that monitors your GMail account & then triggers a Maker Event.

I currently use this to fix state mismatches in my Hubitat HSM & system... Works like a charm.

  • Received GMail armed e-mail
  • Trigger RM rule via Maker Event
  • RM checks for HSM state; fixes as required


Looking into the future ...

Thinking about a simple Halloween piston whereby, as the treaters approach the front porch, the lights would turn off, LOL ... yeah, bored here too, :man_shrugging:

...then turn back on as they walk away and off again as they walk back towards the house :rofl:.

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Well..... I’ve got over 400 devices and no dashboards built yet...

400 physical? Or total? If count total I push near 1000 and no dashboards...


Some rather interesting devices here:

You need an intern. :slight_smile:

I'll trade you my lack of time for your lack of things to do! :rofl:

I didn't say I didn't have things to do or that I "should" be doing...


Easier Tuya integration.
Including RGB Bulbs.

I don't use Tuya devices.

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They're cheap. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I'm not in love with mine but they were offers I couldn't refuse.