[BETA] Tuya Cloud Driver (Limited device support)

Please try my updated development driver but remove the night light device and then refresh or initialize the main parent and I think it will create the correct devices for your night light.

Thanks for this.

It does not create an addition device, it creates a switch rather than the rbgw now.

Hello Jonathan,

My deck lights are on the local connection driver and I've noticed them consistently chomping down resources:

Anything we can do to investigate this?

Even increasing the heartbeat to 60 seconds is still getting me these results. I'm wondering if something isn't unnecessarily chatting constantly.

I am looking to buy a wifi controlled dehumidifier - they all seem to use Smart Life. On and off would be great - and I get the impression this app will already support that? But next in importance is to know when the water tank is full - I'd guess we're some way away from that at this point?

Looking at the Tuya docs (Standard Instruction Set-Documentation-Tuya Developer) I'd say on and off will work fine, and it should be possible to support things like fan speed. What I don't see from Tuya is anything about tank status, so until we can see what data it is reporting we won't know what can be done. It may just switch off when full and only report that it is off.

If you turn on debug it will show exactly what it is doing. The most likely culprit are retries, if you have a recent copy of the driver there will be two attributes in it named "errors" and "retries". Command retries will definitely cause overhead.

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Oh - having read the blurb from individual smart life dehums, it seems they still just "bleep" to themselves when it's full. Well that's a bit of a shortcoming! Ideally they'd make one that would even report the percentage full. So the world isn't quite there yet with smart dehums :slight_smile:

I've added initial support for the Hubitat Package Manager. Its not yet listed in the main repository but for now you can add it using the custom repository url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bradsjm/hubitat-drivers/master/repository.json


You won't remove the ability to install without the HPM will you? I tried that once and it was so complicated I went back to manually installing everything.

Nope, just adding it as an option for people who wish to use it.


Link Comments GIF

Just been reading this thread and apologies if I am posting the wrong location, Very new to Hubitat started on Boxing Day and have managed to get a few things working, but I have some zemismart wifi blinds (realise now zigbee would have been better) controlled by the Smart Life app, would this work for these? read a number of different threads and had become a little disheartened with Hubitat, but reading this is feels like it could be a solution.

Thank you for taking the time to read and much respect to everyone who is helping develop the smart home of the future.

Happy New Year

It is unlikely to work as-is today but support could likely be added once we see the field data being reported for them.

Thank you for the reply, will keep an eye out for the developments.

Best Wishes


I think @jonathanb means that if you connect them to the Smart Life app and then connect that to Hubitat using this new Tuya integration, you can activate the blinds using the Smart Life app but see what logs are created in Hubitat. Then post them on here and it’s possible the Tuya integration can be extended to cover the blind controller. @jonathanb needs this kind of data/input so that he can extend the range of devices covered by the integration.

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Ok will try.

Thank you for the feedback.

Best Wishes


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Thanks @jonathanb for your great work on this.

Very easy to follow instructions, I had it up and running in no time. My smart life plugs that I refuse to throw out were the last piece of the puzzle. Now I can say goodbye to IFTTT forever.


Even the name sounds like you are spitting in disgust :slight_smile:.

Be aware that the Github URL has changed slightly, master is now main. I've updated the links in the first post to reflect the URL change but if you are using HPM you will need to change the URL there too.

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Yes I always hated using that app it just seems so convoluted, loved the functionality though. :wink: