[BETA] Tuya Cloud Driver (Limited device support)

Hi @jhaustin, actually I ended up using a hybrid Hubitat/Node-Red solution. The Node-Red - Tuya interface worked better for me. I created virtual RGBW lights in Hubitat, interfaced them to NR and let NR do the light manipulation. I got them all to work like 'normal' RGBW lights.

That's cool! Any config dumps you can give me as exemplars? TIL node-red, it looks fun.

Sure, it's nothing fancy. I take the commands from Hubitat and pass them to NR. The only thing 'special' is to convert the RBG color code. Hubitat uses a different format than Tuya, This is my NR flow. If/when you get NR setup lemme know and I can send you the json file to import.


Thanks. I have half of my iot account setup done. By half, i believe i did the parts at tuya.com correctly, but i cant figure out what is next based on the instructions given. Tuya does list mu devices.

I believe it said to (on hubitat) to creat a virtual switch. When i click on device + button, it shows only 3 selections and none are a switch.

So, without going any farther, it looks like i am stuck. Lol. I want to keep my hopes up, but it is getting harder to do so. Lol

Thanks for the tip on the virtual switch in tuya.


hey guys,

i have a sm-aw502s wifi blaster that is showing up in my tuya cloud account. Im getting the below errors. Is this just not compatible with the driver or am i missing something?

This driver does not support WiFi IR blasters.

I can recommend the Broadlink IR/RF remotes integration (RM3 Mini, RM Pro, RM4 Mini/Pro).

There is also a community driver for the Tuya Zigbee IR blasters.


I have two new devices, a mini split and a heater, where temperature values are being calculated incorrectly. Even though the default unit is Fahrenheit, the calculation being displayed is based on it being Celsius. These are Smartlife/Tuya devices. For example, the actual temperature is set to 60F, but is displayed as 140 (60C is 140F):

Current States

  • heatingSetpoint : 140.0
  • switch : off
  • temperature : 143.6
  • thermostatMode : off
  • thermostatOperatingState : idle

From the Data section:

  • category: qn
  • functions: {"switch":{"type":"Boolean"},"temp_set":{"max":99,"min":60,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2109"},"level":{"range":["1","2","3"],"type":"Enum"},"shake":{"type":"Boolean"},"light":{"type":"Boolean"},"countdown_set":{"range":["cancel","1h","2h","3h","4h","5h","6h"],"type":"Enum"}}
  • id: ebce8d9810663c916dhkyh
  • label: PTC Fan Heater
  • local_key: #######
  • name: PTC Fan Heater
  • online: true
  • product_id: kcvg77qozi24ckls
  • statusSet: {"switch":{"type":"Boolean"},"temp_set":{"max":99,"min":60,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2109"},"temp_current":{"max":99,"min":0,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2109"},"level":{"range":["1","2","3"],"type":"Enum"},"shake":{"type":"Boolean"},"light":{"type":"Boolean"},"countdown_set":{"range":["cancel","1h","2h","3h","4h","5h","6h"],"type":"Enum"}}

I have another brand, Heatstorm, where the calculation is done correctly:

Current States

  • heatingSetpoint : 39.2
  • switch : off
  • temperature : 73.4
  • thermostatMode : off
  • thermostatOperatingState : idle

From Data:

  • category: qn
  • functions: {"temp_set":{"max":37,"min":4,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"C"},"temp_set_f":{"max":99,"min":40,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2109"},"lock":{"type":"Boolean"},"switch":{"type":"Boolean"},"c_f":{"range":["C","F"],"type":"Enum"}}
  • id: 06070478a4cf12afb9b6
  • local_key: ########
  • online: true
  • product_id: u8n6j80rsxdqsue7
  • statusSet: {"temp_current":{"max":37,"min":-9,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2103"},"temp_set":{"max":37,"min":4,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"C"},"switch":{"type":"Boolean"},"c_f":{"range":["C","F"],"type":"Enum"},"temp_set_f":{"max":99,"min":40,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u2109"},"temp_current_f":{"max":99,"min":16,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"Integer","unit":"\u00b0\u2109"}}

Both are using the Generic Component Heat Device. I also have a new mini split that is exhibiting the same behavior. I see mention of similar problem in this thread a few times but don't see or understand the answer. I think something is being misconstrued from the Tuya data. Since the developer is no longer supporting this vital driver, is there any hope?


Has anyone been able to get this to work with the OmniBreeze Tower Fan? This is a "Smart Life" tower fan available from Costco occasionally.

I've gone through all the steps and it shows up, but it selects the generic "Generic Component Fan Control" driver. Using that driver I can turn it on and off, but I cannot control the fan speeds, oscillation, etc. It just uses the last settings I had it set to.

I've tried all the other "fan" drivers, but most of them don't even allow basic on/off functionality.

so what am I doing wrong. I got my developer account created, and the driver installed, it finds 1 device but does not create it and the shows error: here is my log:
Note: The device is the Smart Mouser


The error code returned by Tuya Cloud is ‘not supported’.

Do you have your Tuya account linked to Amazon Alexa or Google Home? Does this device show up there? (as a switch, probably?)

No i have the tuya app and the device is there. When i go i to the developer mode and look at the device log it has battey and status of on or off. And batterybis low or full that i have seen so far.

What info is needed to see if we can get this to work?

And not its not connected to alexa or google or anything else. Just tuya

It seems that Tuya has not implemented this new device type, 'mice killer,' into their MQTT Cloud servers yet.

If you have a cheap Tuya WiFi bulb and make automation in Smart Life to turn it on or off depending on the Smart Mouser state, then you can get the bulb state into Hubitat using this integration.

You could also try to add a virtual switch in your Tuya 'developer' account - see this post.

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anyone know how I can trouble shoot this?
I have used this successfully for an infrared heater and it worked brilliantly. No controls other than on and off but it worked for what I needed.

Checked now though and it isn't working.
through the smart life app, it can start up seamlessly but I cant control it through hubitat anymore.
How can I go about trouble shooting this?

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Did your trial expire? See the first post for more info.

I’m getting the following error. My account trial is active till next March, and I revoked and added the app back. Two devices aren’t showing up either. Anyone ever had this issue?

PMerrorCloud API request failed: {"code":1106,"msg":"permission deny","success":false,"t":1733168184187,"tid":"b70a2d6cb0e411ef8dfe260dbde5a634"}