[BETA] Tile Template Generator

Mornin. Happy NY! I loaded Tile Generator (and it's brother, the manager). During template creation, files were not generated. My first mistake was having spaces in the file name. No errors gen in the logs so it was purely accident really (experienced accident?) that I found that.
So a space check (isn't it hex20?) of the file name string would be smart. I think that file manager doesn't log error that someone attempted an upload of a file with a space, it just goes bit bucket.
Previous file extensions for templates are '.res' but maybe '.tpl' would be a fair default?
" .tpl – Web template"

During my attempt to identify what was going sideways, I modded the app - Instead of using, I replaced that line with my hub - I've a DNS entry and is a dev post on my local machine - so that can't work for me. Can we add a config option for server location? Right now, the working code at line 220 is:

try {
		def params = [
//			uri: '',
//          uri: 'http://hubitat:8080',   // This would actually be my ideal in case I change which hub I'm toying with
            uri: '',
			path: '/hub/fileManager/upload',
			query: [

so I think a config that allows a user to set his server name or address url would be an valuable update! Add that to a default file type such as .tpl might lessen troubles for others!

  • the brother app, the template manager, would then benefit from have the same default template type in its 'show available'. I currently have a boatload of icons, jpgs, pngs, and misc other crap in my hub and it's a long list to scroll through.

You make some good points.

  • I usually run file names through a camel case method (removes spaces and special characters and adds capitalization in their place) not sure why I didn’t put it in these
  • The .res extension was a hold over from early Windows development efforts where external files that were brought in as raw files were labelled as application resources, but you can use anything that makes sense to you (could look at adding a filter for the Tile Manager to help in narrowing things down)
  • I used the loopback address to ensure that we were running on the hub (if hub security is being used it simplifies logging into the hub), but no reason you couldn’t use any valid hub - actually with a little more effort you could utilize an external server also

one of the best parts of your work is its Elegance. I actually enjoy looking at it.


First of all man, thanks for this contribution! Now I finally feel I can customize my tiles and dashboards as I like :slight_smile:

I have a CSS / Template question for anyone that can help, my forte is more on the back-end that with the front-end stuff.

I have setup the below template to show some attributes on a multi-sensor device, I managed to change the color when the motion attribute is active.
But now I would also like to change the icon (he-motion-sensor) when its active.

<div style='width:100%;'>
<div class='sm'><p style='display:block;width:100%;text-align:center'><%@name%></p></div>
<div><p style='display:block;width:100%;'>&nbsp;</p></div>
<div class='sm'><p style='display:block;width:100%;text-align:center'>L&nbsp;<%illuminance%>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U&nbsp;<%ultravioletIndex%></p></div>
<div class='mo-<%motion%>'><p style='display:block;width:100%;text-align:center' class='material-icons he-motion-sensor'>&nbsp;<%motion%></p></div>
<div class='sm'><p style='display:block;width:100%;text-align:center'>T&nbsp;<%temperature%>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;H&nbsp;<%humidity%></p></div>

CleanShot 2023-01-05 at 12.31.32

  • Does someone know how this can be done in the CSS style block or in another way?
  • Does someone know where I can find the official list of he-xxxx supported icons (material-icons)?

Thanks in advance for any help.

If you remove he-motion-sensor and set the background-image:url(addressOfTheImage) with the .mo-active/mo-inactive class definitions (or similar) at the top you may achieve your objective.

Posting the auto-response for others:
After some investigation I have the way of listing all the possible icons that are offered OOTB with HE to build by own dashboard without having to add custom stuff.

  1. Download the following file from your hub: http://HE-IP/ui2/fonts/hubitat.svg
  2. Open VSCode and install the following extension SVG Font Previewer
  3. Open the downloaded file hubitat.svg with VSCode
  4. Click the upper right SVG icon or execute the command: SVG Font Preview and voila1

Now I need to see how to change the icons with the css :slight_smile:

Below are the CSS definitions for the motion sensors/detector


All your app/device needs to do is to have logic to change to the appropriate class, i.e. from

<p style="display:block;width:100%;" class="he-motion-sensor material-icons">&nbsp;inactive</p>


<p style="display:block;width:100%;" class="he_motion_detector_1 material-icons">&nbsp;inactive</p>

The main issue that I have is that the logic depends on the value of the attribute of the device.
So for example on the motion one it corresponds to the following icons:

  • active > he-running
  • inactive -> he-motion-sensor

So the logic would need to be depending on a predefined class name (ico-active / ico-inactive) that is based on the attribute value. It should be more os less the same as the mo-active/inactive code that works.

In this way I can change the icons or style independently.

This is more or less what I would like to make work:

<style>.sm{font-size:x-small}.mo-active{background-color:red; }.mo-inactive{background-color:green}.ico-active{content: "he-running"; }.ico-inactive{content:"he-motion-sensor"}</style>
<div style='width:100%;'>
<div class='sm'><p style='display:block;width:100%;text-align:center'><%@name%></p></div>
<div class='mo-<%motion%>'><p class='ico-<%motion%>'>&nbsp;<%motion%></p></div>


.ico-active:before{content: \xxxx}
.ico-inactive:before{content: \xxxx}

@thebearmay Thanks for the CSS pointers, I now have 95% of the stuff working.

I am sharing the below template snippet so that others can also enhance there tiles.

This templates shows how to change the background styling and icon depending on the device attribute value.

CSS Style:
You just need to create some dedicated CSS classes that match each of the device attribute values ico-bg-<%smoke%>, then on each class you can play with all CSS

To change the icon is more of less the same, you also need to create dedicated classes for each value and then specify the icons you want using the content variable. (Example: ico-<%smoke%>)
You must use the unicode name of the icon. (Check my previous post for the full list of available icons)

<style>[class*=' ico-'], [class^=ico-] {font-family: hubitat!important;font-style: normal;font-weight: 400;}.ico-bg-detected{background-color:red; }.ico-bg-clear{background-color:green}.ico-detected:before{content:'\e9a9'}.ico-clear:before{content:'\ec23'}</style>
<div><i style='font-style:normal;width:100%;text-align:center;'><%@name%></i></div>
<div class='ico-bg-<%smoke%>'><i class='material-icons ico-<%smoke%>'></i>&nbsp;<%smoke%></div>

Font Size: With this current template all the texts can be resized with the default OOTB dashboard tools (no need for custom css, unless needed)

Icon Size: For the moment I have not manage to make this work with the OOTB tools, if you want to change the size of the Icons as of right now you will need to specify it in the dedicated class using the font-size variable.

If anyone has any idea on how to make this work, it would be greatly appreciated.

Man I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Generator: made template and saved

Manager: go to add template to device. Device gets made but I see nothing about slot info. I looked at the gear and nothing looks like the above stuff.

Random idea, but could the attributes you included not be updated since you created the tile? I am expecting the tile would subscribe to changes in the linked attributes, so would wait for changes before updating the tile.... Could you force a change in one attribute to test the theory?

If you have the template properly registered in the app you'll see Event Subscriptions for the device.

Pretty sure it's NOT properly registered.

Shouldn't I see a drop down in "apply template"?

I saved template in the generator and checked File Manager to confirm it's there.

First step is to identify the device(s) that the template(s) are for. Then click the Assign Templates to Devices, which is where the match up occurs.

I deselect and re select device. This is what I get in the apply template page.

I also do indeed see it in file manager

if you click off the input and then click the Apply Filter it should populate the drop down for the slot. Try a shorter version of the name and see if the capitalization or something is the issue

Nope no change. Tried all types of versions of the name clicked off input etc.

Even if you leave that field blank it should give you the option to do a match up for the device... Let's go to the first page and click Clear Previous Settings, and then after the screen refreshes re-add the device, and see if we get different results. If not we may want to do a HPM Repair on the app.

Did all that and I still get the same problem. Also did a repair.


I forgot to re enable security settings after repair.