[BETA] Palette Scenes

This is a spin-off of Holiday Lighting, which uses much of the same code for light behavior but doesn't include the holiday scheduling piece. Instead, a parent device is created with child switches for each color palette. Each switch will trigger its own set of colors applied to the lights. By having an activator device, you can use Rule Machine or other automations to have complete control of when you want your color sets to start and stop. (When one switch turns on, the others turn off automatically, since they're acting on the same set of RGB lights.)

Available on HPM once repos refresh; if you're installing manually, you need:


Looks like something worth trying out!

Question: I found it on HPM, but uncertain how to install it. Any help greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Tried installing from Drivers and Apps code, but states there is an error with evequefou.color-tools library

From HPM:

  • Click Install
  • Search for "Palette"
  • Click the Palette Scenes option
  • Click Next
  • Agree to the license
  • Wait for install to complete
  • From the Hubitat hamburger menu: Apps
  • Add User App

If you're installing manually, you need:

It's these multi-file programs that HPM makes really nice, to install everything in one batch, much as I hate fighting with Bundles and file names.

This is what I am running into.

Perhaps just because it's newly added? Try doing a Match to force HPM to re-download all the repos, maybe.

Nope. No such luck.
Will try the manual method.

Just edited with deep links to the files for manual install.

Great! Just installed them all; will see what happens

Works great!
One question/request: the light change interval is minimum 1 min. Can that be modified to be less than that? Say 30sec/15sec?

Currently no; it uses the built-in RunEveryXMinutes() functions. That's been a request for Holiday Lighting, too, so it's on my list. Extracting the common code to a library like this, adding it to one adds it to both.

Edit: Now supports 15 and 30 second periods.

Hey there.
Loving Palette Scenes.

How do I create a new instance for new devices?

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Should be able to go back to Add User App and create a second instance.

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How do I get the 15 and 30 second periods?
I updated the app, but still do not see the option.

New feature added to both Holiday Lighting and Palette Scenes: Option to stagger updates to multiple lights across the update period. So for example, if the update period is 1 minute and you have four lights, the switch will give you either:

  • All four lights change simultaneously every 60 seconds
  • One light changes every 15 seconds, so that after 60 seconds the lights have all changed

This probably works best with Random, but nothing stops it from being used with Sequential.

If it's up-to-date in HPM, you should have 15 and 30 second intervals in the drop-down....

Just updated through HPM, and unable to see the 15 and 30 second intervals

Would it require me recreating the Palette Scene?

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