[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

Go to your hub and paste the app into the app code and hit save. then go to apps, user apps then add package manager.






I need to rewrite some of the base code of HPM to figure out why this happens sometimes. Definitely a bug somewhere. And @gopher.ny I promise to make everything asynchronous this time to improve performance :slight_smile:


Sending over some beer money to aid in the debugging.


Had another problem I noticed today. I recently picked up some Zooz Zen26s and a Zen27. I went to install @bcopeland's drivers from HPM because previously I only had the Zen21. For some reason, HPM thinks I do not have the Zen21 package installed.

So I tried running the "match up" but it said there were no matches. I went ahead and installed the Zen26/27 drivers. Went ahead and did the Zen21 as well, and now I have it in my driver's list twice.

I've only got 2 Zen21s, so I think I will just delete the previous one and make sure my 2 switches use the one managed by HPM, but I thought you might want to know about the issue.

im having an issue with theis when someone changes the name of an app.
if i update it changes in the system.. yours obviously cannot find it .. repair and update and match dont work.. etc.. only way ive found to fix it is delete package manager readd it and have it go through all my stuff again.

Actually just noticed something about the Zen21 driver. The one I installed like 20 minutes ago has disappeared out of HPM just like the first one. Doesn't show under repair, uninstall, or view apps and drivers.

Neither repair nor update rely on a name so an author changing a name should have no impact on those functions. Please provide logs and details. It's very hard to troubleshoot without even knowing what package we're talking about.

Please provide logs.

Logs of what exactly? Reinstalling the package that keeps disappearing.

More logs are better than less. So yeah, if reinstalling isn't causing the package to show up, please provide logs when you do that. Hopefully there is something that explains what's going on. I can't reproduce what you described locally so there must be other variables at play. Hoping logs will help us discover it.

It was suggested I move this post to this thread:

Tried an install of Hubigraphs twice today it goes a long way and then errors. Question I don’t see any pieces anywhere so does package manager roll back a failed install? If not how can I get what was installed removed? Hubigraphs does not show on the installed list so I can’t repair or uninstall it from package manager and there are no new devices, apps or any custom app or device code anywhere to be found. So I guess it must roll back?

Hi, as I mentioned in my PM, have you checked the logs? That is where you will find the answer of whether or not it rolled back.

Doesn't look like they go back far enough assuming I should be looking at the Package Manager App log entries.

Correct. From what you described it rolled back but can’t say for sure without seeing logs.

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I cannot the logs are long gone. As I said I removed and reinstalled. Bptworld changed the name of the event 42 etc app twice. Each time update found nothing. And repair said the manifest had changed. Only way to fix was to remove and reinstall your app.

Ok. Next time please try to grab logs. An app changing names should have no impact on anything. Unfortunately, without logs I can’t really do anything to figure out what went wrong.

As I hadn't actually set up any child apps for Event 42, I uninstalled it via HPM.
I then had to wait for around 15 minutes before HPM could find the newly named app.
It then installed OK.
I'm just imparting this knowledge in case it has any bearing on your situation.


I tried to add my App to Package Manager and I got most of the way through the process. I need some guidance getting through publishing it. My repository is at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rbaldwi3/HVAC/master/HVACZoneRepository.json. I used your hpm tool to create the manifest and the repository file. I got an error attempting to add my package to the repository file, so I did it manually in a text editor.