[BETA] Echo Speaks V4

Also there should be parallelSpeak command (to avoid the ding dong)

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Well, sir....you are correct. That's great! :smiley:

[EDIT] Darn...I don't have that option if the Echo Device uses a variable. :frowning:

Any news on this???

weird echo speak issue back..... very puzzled ,...the webcore shows it calling the speak
but it doesn't happen..
I've tried several other test methods (i.e. testing within the echo speak app or adding a double tap on samsung button to talk to the same 2 echos and that works every time.

How do I trouble shoot this?

Unfortunately, no not yet.
I've been busy with work and other projects.

I could implement the fix in no time at all if most users run the server on local servers. But because 90%+ are running the server on Heroku I can't add to heroku because it would use the free allotment in a couple days time.
I just need to figure out how to duplicate the auth in Java and be able to do it in the driver.
I just can't find the motivation lately to work on it.


Bummer -- I run it locally... no Heroku for me

How do you do that?

Is that because donations to this kind of excellent work are poorly inconsistent?

I think there is a write up on his git repo on how to do it.

welll.....I did a repair of JUST webcore.....and the speech started working....i guess i need to look at webcore?
last time i repaired both and it worked.

Hola uso echo speaks, y no sĂ© cĂłmo hacer esta rutina, cuando abro la puerta de mi casa, me suele decir por los altavoces que estĂĄ abierta al nivel 60, el problema viene cuando pongo mĂșsica en mi casa al volumen 100, cuando abro la puerta no se pone al 60, sigue al 100, cuĂĄl es el problema?

I guess that you order music from a different device. Therefore it thinks it is still at 60 therefore it does not order a change of volume.

Similar things happen with switches, if you open from HE, or directly from the device, Alexa believes it is still Off and will not submit the Off command (thinking it is already Off).

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@tonesto7 , I realize that I am a fringe user of the wasLastSpokenToDevice device attribute. And I also realize that modifications to such a large project can become less attractive and problematic. But I would greatly appreciate it if you would just take a peek at the changes Amazon made to the wasLastSpokenToDevice attribute and see if you can restore some kind of functionality. Thanks.

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@Pantheon [RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions - #830 by VilifiedFerret

This may not still work but this is the step by step of how I set it up locally on my rPi


Solution Found: I had to set the routine to execute on a specific Echo, rather than the same one as the voice trigger.

I cannot get routines to execute. I've tried using ExecuteRoutineId() with the routine ID from the Alexa Routine Testing page on the app. I've also tried sending the voice command via the voiceCmdAsText(), but still no luck.

Various other commands are working fine, but not routines.

App: v4.1.9.9
Device: v4.1.9.9
Socket: v4.1.9.9
Server: v2.7.2

Everything looks fine in the logs, but the routine is not working. If I run the routine with my voice, then it works fine. But not via Echo Speaks.

Here are some logs.

app:1522022-01-21 10:31:22.226 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ active: false work items fnd: false now: 1642782682223 nextOk: 1642782684912
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:22.223 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running workQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:22.219 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running finishWorkQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.927 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ active: true work items fnd: true now: 1642782681924 nextOk: 1642782684912
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.922 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ FINAL ms delay is 3000.0
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.919 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ ms delay is 500.0
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.916 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ adding voiceCmdAsText from 152|echoSpeaks|90F0071661320BXA | MultiSequence : Sequential
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.911 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running workQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.602 am debugaddToQ (sequence) | type: voiceCmdAsText
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.599 am debugaddToQ (sequence) | value: tomorrow
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.597 am debugaddToQ (sequence) | command: voicecmdtxt
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.594 am debugaddToQ (sequence) | device: 152|echoSpeaks|90F0071661320BXA
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.588 am debugaddToQ (sequence) | time: 1642782681570
app:1522022-01-21 10:31:21.585 am debugaddToQ NEW COMMAND (1)

app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.480 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ active: false work items fnd: false now: 1642782643477 nextOk: 1642782646091
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.477 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running workQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.473 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running finishWorkQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.105 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ active: true work items fnd: true now: 1642782643102 nextOk: 1642782646091
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.101 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ FINAL ms delay is 3000.0
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.098 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ ms delay is 500.0
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.094 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | workQ adding ExecuteRoutine | Sequence 
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:43.090 am traceEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | running workQ
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:42.822 am debugEchoApp (v4.1.9.9) | Queued Alexa Routine | Process Time: (73ms) | Label: Tomorrow  | RoutineId: ...
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:42.807 am debugaddToQ (multi) | srcDesc: ExecuteRoutine
app:1522022-01-21 10:30:42.769 am debugaddToQ (multi) | time: 1642782```

Will Echo Speaks support a Sonos speaker as an Alexa device if the Sonos speaker is Alexa-enabled? (Tried searching, couldn't seem to find anything.)


Can anyone tell me what code is generating this error ?
Whenever debugging something its helpful to start with who generates the error and then learn as much about the error checks involved.

The device that opens when you click the “dev: 40” link at the left edge of the log message. Looks to me like the device is offline.

Search through the Echo Speaks Device code.

Or, you could open the Alexa app on your mobile device and check that all of your Echo devices are online. I have it happen every three or four months on the Echo Flex that is plugged in to a ceiling outlet in our garage. I just climb up on a ladder, unplug it, wait 20 seconds, plug it back in, and it reconnects and goes back online.

Thanks..i was looking in app code and could not find....once I looked in the driver code I was able to find.
I have checked Alexa and the devices are both on wifi.
Thanks again!

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Could it have changed IP?