[BETA] Echo Speaks V4

You may want to look at more logging to see if the commands are being sent near the same time, or if there is some form of command delay being inserted.

So logs would be good.

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Do you have the windows 10 solution details? I already run windows 10 24/7 so should be easy(I hope)


Not windows specific, but docker. i run a mac but it should be pretty much the same.GitHub - dmanifold/echo-speaks-server-docker
The above created the image I am running.

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Thanks.. never knowingly used a docker before.. i read up some for windows.. seems complicated.. i have some time off soon.. might give it a try..

@tonesto7 The end of November is coming quickly. Is there an “official” or recommended method of getting off of Heroku and setting up Echo Speaks with something else?


This is a thread for the last beta release of echo speaks, there is a separate release thread, and Anthony did mention his plan there. But your best bet is to let the dev do his work.

If you want to deploy a local server to replace Heroku (which is still functional at the free tier) in the meantime, you may find this thread useful:

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Should this thread be closed?


I would argue yes, but I think staff typically defer to requests from the dev/OP in threads like this one.

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Yeah been hard to keep up as some post to this thread and some to the other.

@bobbyD thoughts?

Personally I’d say split off the Heruko part of the discussion and join it with the other thread and let this one revert back to the deveoper’s original intent.


I'd like to try the Docker implementation on my Raspberry Pi4. I already run pi-hole on but not in a container. Can I simply install Docker along side my current pi-hole implementation or are there are complications I should know about.

You can try the docker implementation on the Raspberry Pi if you like. It's more complicated. Then Follow my instructions here:

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Do you have a set of full instructions to run echo speaks on windows 10?

It's possible, but desirable to run the docker version in Windows Docker. You will find that when you locally host server instances, that you will want them to be up 24/7, not require many memory/disk/cpu resources and also operate with very low power. Windows is the opposite of all those things. It's very much advised to run a small Linux node to host these types of applications. Elsewhere in this thread, I link a video on my YouTube channel regarding such a server. Many folks here opt to run a Raspberry Pi 4 instead. If you really want to use windows, then consider running a Hyper-V or a VirtualBox virtual machine running Ubuntu Server on your Windows machine. That will create an environment where these apps can run. I wouldn't advise this though because these types of apps need to be up 24x7 and most people don't leave their windows machine up all of the time.

Thanks for your help. I have 2 mini window computers that run 24/7. One has 8meg ram which I use for my media server. The other has 4meg ram, again running 24/7. Can I use the small 4meg unit? Will that be sufficient for running Hyper-V or VirtualBox on?

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I wouldn't run Hyper-V or Virtual box on a machine with only 4Mb of RAM. You will suffer for performance in the native Windows OS and in the virtual environment.

I also wouldn't run it in the 8MB machine either, especially if used as a media server, but if you have no choice it is the better option.

Thanks, I may have to look for a Linux mini computer and start from there. Although I'm not versed in Linux.

Might be cheaper to just upgrade the RAM in one of your existing PCs.