[BETA] Echo Speaks V4

Iā€™m a brand new hubitat user, only a few weeks in (late wink refugee, their most recent outage was the last straw). This is my first post and I want to use it to sincerely thank you for this app. Itā€™s just amazing.

I was hesitant to use the beta version at first, but after a few weeks of seeing how great it was, I upgraded to the beta today.



Currently running, tried again this morning to update to via HPM, same error, seems to fail to save the Echo Speaks app.

Grabbed the raw code from Github, still won't save, got this message when trying to save the ES app

I then tried to just re-save and got the same message

Rebooted the hub and now ES upgraded from HPM

Wonder if this app is pushing the bounds of my C-3 hub running current FW

For now, I'm up and running, TY for all the work

With all the recent changes to V4 it barely uses any resources anymore, so i don't think that was it. Maybe it was a glitch in the Matrix :wink:


You've been busy, I love the new look.

I just finished installing via HPM, deleted and installed server and set to auto update.

I setup a action to speak when my front door is unlocked, but when I created the Unlock filter, I am getting the following error:

Unexpected Error

Error: No signature of method: java.lang.String.call() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.util.ArrayList, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure, java.lang.String) values: [lock, lock, Locks, Smart Locks, [locked, unlocked, any], changes to, ...] Possible solutions: wait(), any()

I deleted and recreated with debug on, and here are the logs (sanitized a bit)

app:2802021-02-27 12:04:34.271 am errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.call() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.util.ArrayList, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure, java.lang.String) values: [lock, lock, Locks, Smart Locks, [locked, unlocked, any], changes to, ...]
Possible solutions: wait(), any() on line 498 (triggersPage)

app:2802021-02-27 12:04:18.462 am debuglockCodes: [1:[code:0000, name:UserOne], 2:[code:1111, name:UserTwo], 3:[code:2222, name:UserThree], 5:[code:333333, name:UserFive], 6:[code:4444, name:User Six], 7:[code:5555, name:UserSeven]]

The Lock I am using is a Kwikset 914 setup as device type Generic Z-Wave Device and I use Lock Code Manager to manage the codes.

Hopefully this is helpful info for the beta.


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I have nothing helpful to say apart from another big thanks to @tonesto7 & @nh.schottfam for this, what I would consider for all Alexa users, absolutely essential app. Brilliant work!


Add me to the list of postCmdProcess errors. Six echo's were working on v3. The HPM uninstall, re-install, match to beta Echo Speaks all seem to go perfectly well. I opened the ES app and everything looks good. Even Heroku seems happy. But none of them speak.

ES Heroku status

But the logs when I run the ES app show:

And a test speak log from a device:

Please advise if 1) I have just omitted some obvious-to-others step or 2) if I need to provide any other diagnostic info. Thank you.

Now that EchoDot v4's are supported I can now finish my mom's home integration. I even prototyped a music dashboard for her. With her being in her 70s she can't remember how to ask alexa to play music so I setup a few dashboards on tablets and her computer to help out:

Oh, please donā€™t discourage me. I am in my 70s, too.


Ok, not necessarily about v4, but I just have to share.

I setup a Nanomote so when I push button 1, the echo in our TV room says "I heard that!", "I CAN hear you", or "Are you talking to me"

And I setup button 2 to whisper , and another button that whispers "Don't tell them I'm listening", "Shhhh", or "I will keep that our little secret"

Then when an unassuming person is talking to me in that room, I guide the conversation to technology spying on us and then I press button 1. It is priceless! Then I repeat until they have to investigate, then I press button 2 when they are close and the person really freaks out.

Yes, I know it's cheap thrills, and it only works on family members once, but it usually ends up with me laughing so hard my sides hurt.

I may need to make button 3 a, "Thats what she said" button

Thanks again guys for writing this app!!


Thatā€™s awesome!

I didnā€™t realize you can make it whisper with this app! Iā€™ll have to look into that! Anything special that needs to be done?

Today at 3:48 AM

[Action Required] - Your app(s) using free dyno hours have stopped running

You have used your entire allocation of 550 free dyno hours for February 2021.

Your app(s) have stopped running and will not restart until you receive more free dyno hours next month.

Dunno what happened but suddenly I see that I would like to run server on my Synology on docker or raspberry pi. I know someone posted short how to. Can you please repost?

I had the same issue. Oddly enough though, the hub is still able to send speech commands to Alexa...

Same here. Stopped working for one day then resumed.

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I am worried about running out of minutes also. I have both a Synolgy and pi's on my network. I can setup Node.js but never figured out how to deploy the server software to work with the callback.

The only change I made was to replace v3 with v4. I wonder if v4 is using the server more...? The app is throwing errors now due to this, but since everything seems to work normally, I wonder why all the quota is now getting used so quickly...? @tonesto7, is there something that changed that would impact the use of the server?

In the response editor, just press the whisper button at the bottom and it will give you the command.

Or just type in like this.
<amazon:effect name="whispered">Dont tell them that I am Listening</amazon:effect>

Did you know you can use the Amazon effects also? I play the trumpet over Alexa whenever I walk in the door (family rolls eyes)

Presenting, Alfred!


Could you give an example as to how that works?

@tonesto7 @nh.schottfam

My post above (#29) was in v4.07.

Hoping v.08 would help, I upgraded today but I get the same errors. I'm pretty sure it's something I'm doing wrong, even though the HPM uninstall/install seemed to go well. Thanks for any help.

My editor must have eaten the example. Let me try again. (Oh, I didn't preformat it

This is one of my responses.
<voice name="Joey">Presenting, <break time="500ms"/>Alfred!</voice><audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/musical/amzn_sfx_trumpet_bugle_03"/>

You can use any of the 2500 or so sounds that Amazon has. There are a ton, and some are pretty good. Here is the sound lookup webpage

The next thing I was planning on, is using a male and a female voice like they are arguing, and are interrupted when I come in the door. I think I hit a line length on the response though, so I'll play with that another time.


Oh, btw, the editor seemed to wrap my commands with <speak></speak>, I had to delete those to get it to work.

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