[BETA] Echo Speaks V4

Oh, btw, the editor seemed to wrap my commands with <speak></speak>, I had to delete those to get it to work.

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Thanks @alfred! This is absolutely awesome! I love what you are doing with this! I’ll be trying it out soon!

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Here's a couple more SSML commands to try out when you do. I especially like the excited one.

I am Alexa, <amazon:emotion name="excited" intensity="high">and I am super glad to meet you today.</amazon:emotion>

I am Alexa, <amazon:emotion name="disappointed" intensity="high">and I am thinking of going back to bed.</amazon:emotion>

Alexa should not say bad words like, <say-as interpret-as="expletive">This</say-as>, or even, <say-as interpret-as="expletive">That</say-as>

My name is Alexa, <say-as interpret-as="spell-out">Alexa</say-as>



Can't be done in rule machine, I tired to add the directives and the editor in rule machine just removes them. Would have been great to create some canned sentences like "It's time to take out the trash..." and adding some Alexa flare if it speaks it more than 3 times without action.

Did you test it to make sure it just isn't hiding the tags? webCoRE hides them when you save the piston but they are still spoken when you run it.

Still getting erratic behavior on the latest build of Echo Speaks V4... I rebuild everything on Heroku and it performs and then slowly looses connection or something, the MSG:null is in response to a Device Test... Any thoughts @tonesto7

Echo (v4.0.8.0) | postCmdProcess Error | status: 400 | Msg: null
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | finishWorkQ | 400 | Bad Request | [extList:[[cmdDt:1614631116258, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:52, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|90F00716625200U0, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:7, message:This is a speech test for your Echo speaks device!!!, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:277]], nextOk:1614631123707]
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I think I'm seeing the same thing. I've had to reboot my hub 3 times today to restore functionality.

We are trying to find the issue. It's hard to duplicate

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I was using the response editor in the echo speaks app. I haven’t tried using it from webcore.

I'm also still seeing this problem with, detailed log below in case it helps...


Thank you!

I may be missing something but I do not succeed in getting playSoundByName("X") work. The rest of the speech commands respond as expected.


I have tried with different sound name formats and combinations, like the example, without the “amzn_sfx_”, and with sounds from the ASK sound library.

Is there anything that needs to be installed or registered?

(I’m running updated versions of everything, and everything’s is running as expected, except playSoundByName.)

complete silence

this is on a clean install.
when I press perform speech test on the device.

everything else showing correct settings


I'm also at the most current V4 release and regularly seeing these error messages and haven't had any HE -> Echo connectivity and speech output in days... I can get the app to work briefly as expected if I reinstall the Heroku service from within Echo Speaks app, but then it quickly reverts back to a non functioning state with devices reporting Msg Nulls...

@tonesto7 Should I revert back to Echo Speaks V3 in the meantime to get the stable working integration back?

Echo Speaks App V4
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | Skipping Guard Change... New Guard State is the same as current state: (ARMED_STAY)
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | finishWorkQ | 400 | Bad Request | [extList:[[cmdDt:1614730297977, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:58, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|90F00716625200U0, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:8, message:Good night Nancy and Kurt, How did it get so late so soon., newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:257]], nextOk:1614730306597]
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | Skipping Guard Change... New Guard State is the same as current state: (ARMED_STAY)
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | finishWorkQ | 400 | Bad Request | [extList:[[cmdDt:1614706934831, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:40, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|G0916D09950205MF, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:The Theater TV has turned on at 12:42 PM, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:109], echoSpeaks|90F00716625200U0, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:The Theater TV has turned on at 12:42 PM, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:84]], nextOk:1614706945297]
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | Skipping Guard Change... New Guard State is the same as current state: (ARMED_STAY)
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | finishWorkQ | 400 | Bad Request | [extList:[[cmdDt:1614700138468, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:41, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|G0911B0594921J1M, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:Look what was just delivered. Your mail!, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:159], [cmdDt:1614700138829, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:41, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|G0911B0594971WL4, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:Look what was just delivered. Your mail!, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:42], [cmdDt:1614700138893, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:41, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|G0916D09950205MF, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:Look what was just delivered. Your mail!, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:138], [cmdDt:1614700138956, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:41, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|90F00716625200U0, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:5, message:Look what was just delivered. Your mail!, newVolume:90, oldVolume:100, cmdId:59]], nextOk:1614700159197]
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | running initialize...
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | Updated Event Received...
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | finishWorkQ | 400 | Bad Request | [extList:[[cmdDt:1614692561103, cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, msgLen:52, isSSML:false, deviceId:459|echoSpeaks|G0916D09950205MF, callback:finishSendSpeak, msgDelay:7, message:This is a speech test for your Echo speaks device!!!, newVolume:null, oldVolume:null, cmdId:131]], nextOk:1614692568553]
EchoApp (v4.0.8.0) | Skipping Guard Change... New Guard State is the same as current state: (ARMED_STAY)

Echo Device
03-02 07:11:39.120 pm errorEcho (v4.0.8.0) | postCmdProcess Error | status: 400 | Msg: null
03-02 12:42:15.852 pm errorEcho (v4.0.8.0) | postCmdProcess Error | status: 400 | Msg: null
03-02 10:48:59.679 am errorEcho (v4.0.8.0) | postCmdProcess Error | status: 400 | Msg: null
03-02 08:45:12.739 am infoEcho  (v4.0.8.0) | Papa Patio Echo Executing initialize()

Echo Speaks Websocket
03-02 08:45:22.856 am info Socket (v4.0.8.0) | WebSocket Connection Established...
03-02 08:45:16.504 am info Socket (v4.0.8.0) | Alexa WS Connection is Open
03-02 08:45:14.345 am warn Socket (v4.0.8.0) | WebSocket connection closing.
03-02 08:45:14.012 am info Socket (v4.0.8.0) | close() called
03-02 08:45:12.993 am info Socket (v4.0.8.0) | initialize() called
03-02 08:45:12.951 am info Socket (v4.0.8.0) | updated() called

I use this feature but I'm only using the same sounds that you can select if you create an Action in the Echo Speaks app which are listed below. So for example playSoundByName(trumpet) I use to wake up the kids for school.


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I'm not using the playSoundByName just pasting in the source code from skills kit library but I'm wondering if you are using "Anouncement" or "Speak". I cannot get the sounds to play using anouncement. The problem for me is that when using speak it plays the message on one dot then the next and so on. It's not a popcorn effect it waits until the message is finished and then moves on to the next dot and so on. I have it setup to use zones but it still does this. This doesn't happen using announcement but the sounds wont play. Strangely, when using speak the logs show that the commands are sent together but they still play one at a time.

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Seeing the same here. In the past when speak is carried out for a single action all speakers used to sound at the same time. Now they talk sequentially throughout the house.

Are you directing the output to the everywhere device or to a list of devices?

We are actively try to solve this random speech not working. Keep sharing your logs the more data we have the quicker we can fix it. Currently we are seeing the issue with now US users.

So if you are in the US and having the issues let us know.


Does that mean that you created all those Actions as Routines I’m Alexa, you did so only in Echo Speaks, or only accessing one or the other opens response as a RM instruction.
(Excuse my ignorance)