[BETA] App List Driver

:slight_smile: It's purely data-related at this stage, not looking to drive anything with the Apps. Not that I wouldn't do that elsewhere, or that others could do that.

This came about as some test code for an App I was thinking of writing to tie together Apps and devices that have a related purpose in the HE setup, e.g. those related to lighting in a particular room. I wanted to present them on screen with links to each App and Device, so I needed to find a way to get the App List, which was this code.

The idea for the App:

Some conversation whilst writing the code:

I'll eventually move the code into the App if I ever finish it, but thought others may find this useful in some way, off the back of some conversations around unsolicited HTTP calls from external sources trying to contact an uninstalled App, hence the potential improvement to keep old Apps previously detected in the App List JSON, rather than replacing the list every time a Refresh is done.