The Innr smart plugs you linked are ZLL-Devices (at least the EU version)... it's not a good idea to pair those direct with Hubitat. They mess with your mesh like Hue bulbes would.
Argh that is a bummer - have a bunch of peanut plugs with upgraded firmware in service. Have not noticed any issues but have not been looking all that hard. I do have a shipment of those Iris's on the way.
thanks for that, are there a list of these diagnostic aids?
Im having z-wave issues as well,
i have 2 dimmers which are intmitantly NOT reporting on/off states, they report power and dim value consistently but not on/off (some times does real quick) sometime not at all, hitting refresh does update the current state
one is zigbee dimmer aurora running Generic Zigbee Dimmer driver
other is qubino mini dimmer running Quibino dimmer modal frive
and now a fibro motion sensor only sending motion commands (no temp/lux/battery)
I would suggest you open up a new thread for all these issues. But, a little advice, I would do some investigation on my own here on the forum to see how to fix these issues. A lot of these questions have been asked by folks before. A quick search on your device's name will probably help you find the right answer pretty quickly.
A quick question about the Iris Plugs (I think I already know the answer) even if the Z-wave repeater is wonky the zigbee repeater bit is still decent right?
For my main floor hub the 2 Iris plugs I have deployed I suspect are the old firmware but am not using the Z-Wave repeater function - everything seems okay on my main floor hub including the ZW mesh.
Would hate not to use them as they seem quite powerful relative to other repeaters.
As far as the TRÅDFRI goes - I had 2 of 4 die on me within a few months of ownership. Could just have been dumb luck of course..
I have six Peanuts that I removed from the network and my problems stopped. I originally bought them when I had a lot of the older Sylvania (Osram version) lights and they didn't seem to make a bit of difference in the frequency of devices dropping off the network. I started adding Samsung (as much as I hate Samsung) and Sylvania plugs and saw improvement in responsiveness and reliability with each plug I added. Just from the getChildAndRouteinfo table I see the new Samsung plugs repeat for up to 8 devices (at least what is listed on the table at the same time) and the Sylvania plugs repeat for up to 5. I haven't tried to do this since updating the firmware on the Peanuts, but I could get them to drop off the network just by switching them on and off rapidly from the dashboard. I would also have to rejoin one or two of them on a weekly basis; not the kind of reliability you want from a repeater. I'm pretty sure they are also the reason my Lightify 4-button controllers would not stay connected in areas of the house that had peanuts for repeaters. I now have all of the end devices on their own HE with all of my Samsung and Sylvania plugs (plus a few GE in wall dimmers) and have not had a single issue in over a month. I primarily did this to see if the Lightify 4-button controllers would work properly on another hub; one free from lights and peanut plugs. I have 9 of them that I bought when they were $8 each so it was worth the investment in another hub and they have worked flawlessly ever since.
I rejoined the Peanuts to my "lights" hub after updating their firmware, and am still undecided as to their usefulness. I have not seen a perceptible difference since adding them back, but Hub Watchdog (virtual switch) has been consistently slower ever since with no other changes except for the latest update. They may end up back in the drawer until next Christmas.
BTW the Sylvania plugs are on sale on Amazon 4 for $51
Well, thanks to Ryan's post, I'm now headed down the router table rabbithole. I have one Peanut (probably old firmware) on the network and confirm that it is jumping through other routers every few minutes. I'm guessing this is due to the concentratorType being Low Ram
A search turn up this;
"A low ram concentrator will receive route record messages every time a device wishes to send to it."
The Peanut is something of a favorite '2nd tier' device around here, but this makes me uneasy enough that I agree it shouldn't be a Best Zigbee plug.
To generalized of a statement. The issue your seeing is more individual device related and not typical of the peanut plugs in general.
I have 70+ zigbee devices with 12 of them being peanut plugs and zero zigbee issues.
I read this somewhat sceptically - I have 6 Peanuts on one Hubitat and haven't noticed any obvious issue; however, I've never measured latency in any accurate way.
So I did 4 consecutive getChildAndRouteInfo on that Hubitat within 2 minutes. My Peanuts are jumping all over the place (see attached data below). So @Ryan780 is 100% correct about this.
I can't remove them yet, but when I do, I'll be able to tell if device latency (I'm not seeing any major latency issues right now).
Also want to mention - all six of my Peanuts have the "updated" firmware. So the firmware update is irrelevant to this problem.
Also, I know @Ken_Fraleigh has described Peanuts causing instability issues on his zigbee network in the past. His experience and @Ryan780's put together support @rcjordan's conclusion that Peanuts should be off the best zigbee repeater list.
6 Peanuts jumping around within 2 minutes
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - Bedroom plug, 4E26] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:32, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - water valve, 34EB] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Upstairs Washlet, 8FA5] via [Computer Fan, 28D1]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205] via [Computer Fan, 28D1]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [CR Air Freshener, 2992] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:32, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Computer Fan, 28D1] via [Computer Fan, 28D1]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - Bedroom plug, 4E26] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - water valve, 34EB] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Upstairs Washlet, 8FA5] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [CR Air Freshener, 2992] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Computer Fan, 28D1] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - Bedroom plug, 4E26] via [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - water valve, 34EB] via [Peanut - water valve, 34EB]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Upstairs Washlet, 8FA5] via [Upstairs Washlet, 8FA5]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205] via [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205]
status:Active, age:32, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [CR Air Freshener, 2992] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Computer Fan, 28D1] via [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - Bedroom plug, 4E26] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut - water valve, 34EB] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Upstairs Washlet, 8FA5] via [Samsung - dryer blower, 3CC1]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Peanut Momentary - Garage Door, 4205] via [Washer Light, 110B]
status:Active, age:32, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [CR Air Freshener, 2992] via [CR Air Freshener, 2992]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:2, concentratorType:Low Ram, [Computer Fan, 28D1] via [Computer Fan, 28D1]
These two sentences contradict each other
That's what happens when you're reading impaired. Read the entire sentence, including the part after the semi-colon.
After the semi-colon is irrelevant if you're not experiencing issues
That is logically incorrect. If I am not actively measuring latency, I have no idea if devices aren't responding in the desired manner.
Edit - indeed, issues I may have incorrectly attributed to hub slowdowns may have been misattributed.
Again have 12 of them and zero hub slowdowns, haven't even rebooted the hub in weeks.
When I look at the route table, none are showing up as routing for anything but themselves. They are just routing through other devices which is probably not helping. When I had one in use for zigbee lag in Hub Watchdog, the times were quite variable (250-1200ms) and your post as well as @Ryan780 's seems to explain why.
My Samsung plugs are low ram as well and don't exhibit this behavior.
This is what I was alluding to, but I need to remove them and see if the latency improves.
Just because you are not having any ill effects from this happening doesn't mean that it isn't happening to you too. Do you think we're making this up or something? I don't get why the hostility.