Best way to learn groovy?

Any suggestions on where to start with learning groovy? Just looking for a basic overview of how it works in the context of device handlers, exposing capabilities, and making commands available. I have a number of devices that aren't fully functional (as do we all). Not looking to become a releasing developer. Just to be able to read and update my own system.

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Are you a code slinger already? Do you know other languages? Java?

If so, I'd start with a review of Smartthings development documentation. It translates very well to HE. Groovy in and of its self won't get you the knowledge of the platform on which it's being used. I approached learning it from the point of what do I want to accomplish and just looking up how to do it and working outward from there.

You can also reference the Groovy documentation itself to uncover little bits.

If not, you might want to start with the basics of object oriented programming before tackling a specific language.

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I'm still learning as well, but Smart Things has some tutorials including Groovy and writing apps and drivers. I assume not 100% is applicable to HE, but it's not a bad place to start.

I've learned a number of programming languages by hacking around in code. Most languages I find are similar in many ways and I just use google when I'm not sure of the exact syntax as I get them mixed up a lot of the time.

I learned the driver specific stuff by poking around in simple drivers in both SmartThings and Hubitat. Once I learned the simple stuff the rest of the stuff started to make sense. The documentation is great for understanding commands too. But look at a lot of other code for examples on how to do certain stuff.

Thanks all. I wouldn't call myself a code slinger. More like a "pieces putter togetherer".

Yeah I'm only interested in learning the format within the context of HE/ST.

Is it possible to have access to the code for the built-in drivers on the HE hub just for study purposes? Only curious about them because they were written by HE staff and probably all follow a similar format.

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Groovy reminds me of python coding.

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I agree 100%

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