Best way to approach "power save hours"?

If your "Power Save Virtual" is ON is then when your power saving time is active?

If that is correct then I think your rule is backwards, your rule will turn the hot water OFF when power save turns ON, and then turn the hot water ON when power save is over.

Otherwise the Wait for event part looks correct.

You also don't really need the Mode checks within the rule if you have it set as a conditional action, but also not hurting much either. Unless the mode changes while the rule is running, could possibly run the first action but not the second one if the mode changes to one outside of what's in your IF statement.

yes if power save IS on i want the HW OFF - so exit rule

if power save is OFF - HW want on (power save is from 3pm>7pm our electr rat fomr 3-7 is 30c kwh and all other times only 5c lol

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Ok makes sense now, Power Save ON = power is more expensive so you want to turn things off (to save power).

yes sir - thank you - im left handed so i guess do stuff backwards lol

Ifi may ask really fast :

I didn't know the "wait for event" was a thing - is this a valid way for auto-relock ?

i have been struggling with timers and retry to lock the door lol this seems much easier

Yes that should work, unless the door is unlocked but never opened.

I would actually suggest this app, it is what I am using and it has tons of options. It can be a little dauting to setup as first but once you figure out the style of the UI it makes sense.

@jtp10181 thank you checking out that app now and yes its alot of setup (needs a clone feature)

one other question - is there away to have a date range ? for example SUMMER hours 1JUN to 30sep
SO i would like this rulle to activa only during that time range

i also updated the rule for this and removed the mode as you suggested

Sorry I think I got mixed up and I thought you had a required expression AND the IF check in the rule. The position that the "conditions" show in the rule always make me think its a required expression. If you want to block the switch from getting flipped during certain modes you could add that as a Required expressions, to prevent the rule from running at all.

I think you could do a required expression for a specific time and it should have an option to add a date, might be able to do greater than one date and less than the other maybe? I would have to dig in there and check it out myself later, its not something I have ever done.

ill see if i can find i know under perodict i could find an option that seemed like it would work

i don't know if this is the correct way or if this will even work ?

ps i am not a programmer - i am "just push buttons till works" type lol

I don't want to upset the flow, so ignore me if you want, but is A/C involved? I'd think that could be the biggest summer load, considering the rate structure. How does the powersave virtual switch fit in with a thermostat? I guess you could shut down the system for 4 hours with a relay, but it could get hot. I'm not familiar with thermostat integration, but I did have the Ecobee running for a while.

Anyway, sorry for any interruption, but it seemed like you were pretty far along, and I was just curious about implementation for A/C.

Based on your info above 3-7PM for summer and your last rule showing you only want it M-F this is how I would do it. Instead of making a separate On and Off rule you can Do On/Off in the same rule but split it into a summer rule vs a Winter rule to be able to deal with the different time ranges.

SO here would be a summer rule could be copied for Winter, just edit the dates and times.

The Req Expression makes it so the rule can only trigger when those are true. So only during the date range set and also only on M-F. Then when that is true the trigger will work, so...

Every M-F in that date range, at 3PM the rule will trigger.
Turn on Switch
Wait until 7PM
Turn off Switch

EDIT: Have an idea for a single rule to do it all, will follow up

Here is another way to do it that combines it all into one. I was not sure of the exact Winter Times so I just guessed.

This would trigger at 1PM every M-F, but then based on the date would wait until either 3PM or 6PM to turn the switch on. Then wait again to turn the switch off.

we have geothermal and you are not really suppose to change the temp much they are more effect to run on stage 1, 24/7 than enter stage 2 - i have a schedule set up on its thermo to increase 1 degree at 1500 and another degree at 1700 then at 1900 is set back down to 73

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winter has 6-8am AND 6-8pm (annoying lol) but i think i can figure it out with your example

thank you :slight_smile:


setting the Virtual

then turn on/off HW

i has to put delay in there it was catching it lol evne though it triggered it didn't notice the correct state?

delay seems to have fixed it

Due to the rule only triggering once per day, you will need to build the winter time triggers sequentially, the way you have it now only the first one (6am) will work and after it turns off the rule would exit and not run again until the next day.

Like this:

Hopefully you have some other rules you plan to use that virtual switch for and all that was not just for the hot water? The purpose to make the virtual switch was so you could use all over in rules without re-creating the schedule every time.

For the hot water rule, you could get rid of the second IF block, since the only way the ELSE will trigger is if the first IF is false.

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yes sir- i already have some light rules set to not turn on (light the draw tons of power at least) and I might buy some things for the freezer to if i can find a reliable switch lol

cleaned up


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