Beginner Trouble Adding First Device

Just bought my first C7 off Ebay and I also bought a Minoston MP31ZP off Amazon. I was able to pair it but it doesn't show any state and when I try to update the device Type I get a 500 error. Not quite sure what is going on. My hub and zwave driver are on the latest, and 7.18.1 respectively.

I can't include links or pictures yet so here's some copy paste.

Stats Status Actions Device Class Device Security Route
0x0c (012) PER: 0, RTT Avg: 8ms, LWR RSSI: 20dB
Neighbors: 2, Route Changes: 1 RefreshRepair GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
NIE Technology Co., Ltd [Outlet ] None 01 -> 0C 40kbps

Error 500

Something went wrong

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Welcome to the platform and to the community. There is nothing that you are doing wrong. Seems that has a bug being seen by many, on most if not all devices. Just wait a bit and the elves will issue a fix.

See this thread.


If you go to settings tab and do a check for updates, the hub probably will let you to downgrade to the previous release. There is a warning about it being a downgrade, but it should be no issue to do so.

I would do so until they fix this bug in release.


Thanks both of you! I ended up downgrading and was able to modify the device type after to make it functional. Appreciate the quick reply


Welcome! If you join the "Owners" group here in the community (in your user profile settings), that'll enable posting screenshots. It's just a measure to cut down on bot-related new-account spam & shenanigans.


Glad you were able to work around. Now you can upgrade to .125, which was just released that fixes the problem you encountered yesterday: