My ThirdReality motion sensor toggles between battery 100% and 200%. I am using the generic zigbee motion sensor (no temp) driver. Is this the correct driver?
Suggest changing the driver to the Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor (without the no-temp) then setting temperature reporting to disabled.
The 200% is the device reporting battery as percentage times 2, so it's actually 100%.
Worked! Thank you!
I updated my firmware — that resolved my issue with the 200%
I had a Third Reality contact sensor doing this. Was already on current firmware. Changing to the regular contact sensor driver (with temp) and then just marking the temp as disabled solved it for me.
Here is some info as to why that fixes it (and check post above also): Battery reporting 200% (Linkind devices) - #73 by mike.maxwell
This may be of interest also (same thread): Battery reporting 200% (Linkind devices) - #67 by jtp10181
Interesting. I have a couple motion sensors that have been reporting like this. Gonna try the other drivers later.
Update. After switching drivers and doing a configure/refresh battery went back to 100% on the non no-temp driver. Today they're showing 200% again.
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