Battery reporting 200% (Linkind devices)

I am seeing this on the same driver, Hub FW, using Third Reality contact sensors. They are brand new and came with firmware 18 which I upgraded both of them to v31 right away.

This is over the course of a couple of days, some days it logs 100% other days 200%

@mike.maxwell if this is of any use, pressing refresh and configure got these debug logs.
I am not yet a ZigBee expert but it looks like it is reporting it two different ways. Attribute 21 is reporting C8 (200) and attribute 20 is reporting 20 (32 in decimal, perhaps 3.2 volts)?

I think I saw another old thread once with similar issues another TR device, not sure if it was ever sorted out.

UPDATE: I went to check the device data and most of the info was missing from the Basement contact (it was there when I first paired it). I just tried resetting and re-pairing it twice as well, it is still not populating. Not sure if this means anything?

Basement (originally just endpoint was there until I pressed firmware update button):


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