Bathroom Humidity

Thanks for the help Andy !!

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Don't thank me yet.
It might not work!! :slight_smile:

I have no doubt in your skills !!

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If it doesn't work then I will need to look again at the driver and the app
But as it's past midnight here, I'll have to leave it until the morning

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If it doesn't work then please enable the logging in the driver and capture any errors etc it shows when refreshing.


Well @SmartHomePrimer did it work ?

The suspense is killing me!
And I'm waiting to go to bed :slight_smile:



Knock knock @SmartHomePrimer !!

Sorry guys. It was dinner/family time. Andy, go to bed!

It works! Thank you. You can tell it was going to work though. I see that as soon as I hit "Set Internal" that both the Humidity and HumidityIn are the same (indoor Humidity reading) in the device details.

Thanks so much Andy. Sleep well.


Very interesting trick! Works for RM too

Even though the Ambient Weather device details show the internal humidity in the external humidity position, and Super Smart Fan is using the Internal Humidity, the Ambient Weather driver log still shows the external humidity.

app:36152019-05-04 08:55:39.762 pm debugBATHROOM_EXHAUST_AUTO_FAN (App Version: 1.7.0) - state.baseline = 55

dev:32812019-05-04 08:50:40.089 pm debugWeather: [dateutc:1557017100000, winddir:176, windspeedmph:0, windgustmph:1.34, maxdailygust:12.08, tempf:50.9, humidity:92, hourlyrainin:0, dailyrainin:0, weeklyrainin:0.9, monthlyrainin:0.87, yearlyrainin:11.48, totalrainin:11.48, tempinf:66.6, humidityin:55, baromrelin:30.01, baromabsin:29.66, feelsLike:50.9, dewPoint:48.66, lastRain:2019-05-03T19:23:00.000Z, date:2019-05-05T00:45:00.000Z]

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glad we could help

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I found Andy's driver would turn the fan on, but when the humidity fell into the range where the fan should have shut off, it didn't work. I'm not sure whether it's the way I'm activating my fan (via micro module) or a setting I have wrong in the child app. In any case, I just made two RM rules and that's working fine for me.

Thanks again!

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What extraxtors do you have that are smart?

My extractors are not ‘smart’ as such
They are just auto controlled by the light switches with a timer to turn them off some time after the switch is turned off.
Like a lot of the apps/drivers I write, I wrote an app for someone else.


Ahh sorry o misunderstood your post. My bad

Yes , motion lighting is a brilliant app. I never understood why doesn't it include humidity options. Everything would be done and dusted with that.

Do you mean turn on based on humidity value and turn off from some other value?

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Yes , just like the additional switch option which is being kept on by motion.