Basic rules only run partialy

So, for the past week or so I've had a number of issues with my two hubs. Now I have a new one. I have a rule that only runs when the mode is set to sunset, then when the front door contact opens it sets the brightness of our entry, living room, and hall lights to 100%. It is supposed to wait for 3 minutes then it turns off the entry light, sets the brightness of our living room to 30% then the hall light to 5%.

What happens is the first part of turning on all the lights to 100% but after the 3 minutes it does not turn off the entry light, it does not set the living room to 30%, and also does not set the hall to 5%.

This all worked perfectly fine before my power outage issue and the issues with my hubs not staying in the mesh (this is now fixed). This happens to all rules that have a wait or a mode setting or a specific time to reverse the actions of the previous setting is the rule.

I have tried to recreate these rules to see if the current ones are the issue but that is just not the case. Even the newly created rules will not complete after a wait or a mode change.

Any help please. This defeats the entire issue of having home automation if your automation does not work.

Here are the more particulars of my setup:
C5 hub (setup in hub mesh)
C7 hub (setup as the main unit, and is in hub mesh)
both have the latest platform firmware
system is setup with hub UI security (hub mesh has tokens for each and are current)
Some lights are on the C5 and the others on the C7 all rules run from the C7 nothing runs on the C5

See if this matches your issues:

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Yes this is exactly what I am seeing.

Good news is, it should be fixed soon.

Would it be better for me to revert back a couple of rev's?

If you have a known good version and don't want to wait, then yes, that's an option...

So I rev-d back to and all the timed rules work. However, I am missing a number of devices that were there before (a motion sensor, and kwikset lock). Why would a platform version remove items that were originally in my list of devices? I had two Kwiksets of the exact same type now only one shows.

So, I kept the rev at, but I restored a backup from 2 weeks ago. This seems to be back to normal. All devices are back.

You only needed to back to something before, not way back to 2.3.6

I would just leave it though now, the fix should be out soon (in testing right now).


Thanks, for some reason the other revs did not work. But they did, when I was on them before. Something weird.

Please update to latest release and let us know if you continue to have any more problems:

6 posts were split to a new topic: Sensor issues after updating to 2.3.9

So Far So Good. Seems to work as intended.

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