December 14, 2021, 11:17am
Hi all. Love the page. This stuff is addictive.
Quick question, has anyone connected fibaro smart implant to their B&D roller door? Ifnplease share the experience. I am hoping this isn't too complex and hopeful it's straight forward.. also can you change parameters with a built in app? Or are we required to download a custom built app for this.
December 14, 2021, 11:23am
It’s pretty easy, I don’t think mine is the same brand but they all work the same way.
I’ll post some info tomorrow.
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December 14, 2021, 11:07pm
So here's how I do it (mine is a Boss but they all work the same way):
As you can see, I was able to power the SI from the door motor
I use this driver:
Moving the conversation for this driver to a new thread in the developers forum. The previous discussions are here: Previous discussion thread
Support all the implant configurable parameters and endpoints:
-2 inputs, configurable in digital/alarm or analog
-2 switch outputs
-1 internal temperature sensor
-Up to 6 external DS18B20 temperature sensors or 1 DHT22 temperature+humidity sensor
Temperature in deg C, deg F or defaults to hub units.
Temperature sensors and analo…
With the following config:
And this App to manage the door:
I used this app in ST with great success. Since moving to Hubitat I tried the Virtual Garage Door App from Patrick McKinnon but it didn't work for me, probably because I don't have an acceleration sensor. I have a closed contact and activate the door with a Konnected relay output.
Emboldened by seeing the similarities between groovy apps for ST and HE I thought I'd give the old app a try. I got the app from here: SmartThingsPublic/devicetypes/lgkapps at master · Mark-C-uk/SmartThingsPublic · Gi…
With the following config: