August Pro Z-Wave with C-8

Just curious if anyone is still using August locks. Years ago I paired mine with my C-5 hub, but there was a caveat around the community that said not to upgrade beyond a certain version of the firmware (on the locks - not Hubitat). I requested support to lock my firmware version to whatever version that was and I've been there ever since. All is working fine.

Now, years later, I'm wondering if I could go back to doing updates and have the locks still work. Just curious what everyone's experience has been with these, if anyone is still using them and has upgraded to the C-8.

I have one that I'm about to install.. Will let you know..

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Appreciate it!

Mine is working. It took me a few attempts and I had to enable S2 to make it work. At least battery is not draining as C5.

Just emailed support to have them allow it to update past 1.59.0-1.8.15. We’ll see how it goes.

Updated all 4. No issues at all. Still S0 though.

So, I was wrong, and I guess I should've known I would be based on other posts here. I'm now having the same issue that others are having where apparently the lock goes to "sleep" and the hub can't talk to it unless I "wake it" via opening the August app.

I thought maybe it was a pairing issue so I've deleted and re-added 2 of the 4 locks, using S2 (this was a chore) and those 2 locks aren't any better off than the other 2.

Has anyone found a way to keep the locks "awake" so that the hub can continue talking to them?

Anyone? Anyone at all?
Anyone in the very back?

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I'm sorry for not responding, but it was only because I couldn't offer any meaningful help. I gave up on August and and switched to Danalock. After supplying August support with all sorts of evidence demonstrating the issue, they went silent on me and closed my ticket. This, after refusing to roll back my firmware , citing "security" issues. The problem presented itself when paired with a C3, C7, and C8 and it made no difference whether SO or S2.


Great. I just started down the support rabbit hole. Doesn't sound like I'm going to get this resolved, at least not through them. Wonder if an old Android phone with August loaded and left open 24/7 would work...

It's just a shame there's no way to keep the stupid lock "awake" through other means.


I’ve encountered the same issue since migrating to Hubitat. It’s very odd because the August lock worked correctly when connected to a SmartThings hub via Z-Wave.

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That is interesting. Maybe there is something about the 'New" or "Edge" or whatever they call the current iteration that helps. When I first encountered problems with the firmware, there were others on Hubitat, SmartThings and Home Assistant that had the same problem. I think many of those that wanted to keep the locks just gave in and took August's offer for a discounted Connect bridge, essentially shifting the locks to wifi.

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If it is indeed fixed in SmartThings, I wonder what they did to fix it. I have an old v2 hub I could connect them to with Z-Wave and test, but I also have August Connects that it could use so I'd have to be careful to set it up to only use Z-Wave.

I also have the wifi bridge. Is it possible to control the lock via wifi using Hubitat? Migrating from ST, I’d like to control all of my devices using a Hubitat dashboard.

I, personally, never tried the Connect Bridge as that went against my reason for buying a z-wave lock in the first place (I don't want barrier devices using Wi-Fi) . Off the top of my head, you might be able the control the lock with a Hubitat dashboard by using a voice assistant and linking back via virtual switches, keeping it paired to ST and linking back, or maybe Homekit if you are an Apple user. I seem to remember someone here working on a Connect integration, but a quick search didn't return anything for me. I wish you luck! and apologize for not being able to be more helpful!

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Yes, there is an integration that I am using while I try to work with August on getting Z-Wave back up and going. I'm like @bjcowles in that I bought a Z-Wave lock for its Z-Wave functionality, not so I could connect it to Wi-Fi and use a cloud integration, but it works in a pinch.

It's available in HPM as well. I had a little trouble getting signed in but once it picked up my locks, all has been working well.


Thanks for your help! I’ve implemented this App/Driver and my August lock is working as expected with HE now. Hopefully we can get this working via Z-Wave again soon.