August Lock Struggles

Just wanted to follow-up. The factory reset send to only "fix" the lock for about 30 days... I've performed the reset three times now, the first two times fixed the lock for about a month. The last time was only about 7-10 days ago and it's still working so far... It's interesting to note that the guys over at the smart things forum are having the same issue with this lock.

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I too am having trouble with this damn thing. Z-Wave commands to lock/unlock are delayed or completely dropped and the lock just stops responding eventually. I've tried putting a beam repeater facing the lock about 2 feet away, but no change.

Thinking of just getting a Schlage at this point..

edit: I had a couple of Monoprice Z-wave plugs lying around. Apparently these are beaming repeaters, so I just moved it close to the lock (kind of facing it) and set up a rule to refresh the lock every few hours. It's been about a week and everything is good!

@natemate Just wanted to check in and see how things were working and see if you are still happy with the solution of getting the Monoprice repeater? I was going in this direction if it still works for you. I had a heck of a time setting up my August originally with Hubitat, so I am nervous about resetting or changing any settings that would require a reconnect. Thanks!

@mcollins354 I threw this goddamn lock in the garbage can. August recently updated their firmware, and it completely broke my Z-wave functionality. The lock kept falling off the network. I contacted August support and they manually downgraded my lock. It still wouldn't work 100% of the time - dropped/delayed messages, terrible battery drain - you name it.

This was on a warranty replacement lock too. I just gave up and got myself a Schlage Zigbee lock, couldn't be happier. No issues whatsoever and super responsive lock/unlock and never falls off the network. I suppose a lock made by a lock company is more reliable in the long run.. And there's no danger of Schlage borking things up with a firmware update.

Well damn, that was not what I was hoping for, but I greatly appreciate the update on this. I like the sleekness of the August lock, but this has been a bear to maintain. I may have to switch to Schlage though since it is more important to be able to operate the lock remotely then have a nice looking lock that doesn't work.

Thanks for the reply. If anyone else has any luck keeping August awake, please let us know.

It's now been 62 days since August pushed the firmware downgrade to me, and I haven't had a single problem. I do have a Z-Wave+ switch within 18 inches of the lock, which I can only assume is repeating for it.

I am back at trying to get this to work for me since there is no other lock that can work for this particular door except the August lock. So how did you get August to downgrade the firmware? And which z-wave switch do you have? I am less patient with this lock to continue to do trial and error. If it works for you, I will just follow your setup and hope I have the same successful results. Thanks!

I sent their support a follow-up email, after being denied the downgrade, to see if they had found a solution. I explained that I'd bought the lock specifically for the z-wave functionality. If I couldn't get a remedy, like many others on several different platforms had, I would need to find a non-August solution. The firmware was pushed to me about two hours later.
I am using one of the inovelli red series switches next to the door. But I would think a strong mesh with ample z-wave plus repeating devices, and the downgraded firmware, you should be fine. Good luck!

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Thanks for the helpful response! I will see if I have the same success with August. Much appreciated again.

I recently started having strange results with my August lock as well. It would work with some rules and not with others. I found the quick fix is to pop one of the batteries out and pop it right back in. Not idea, but it works every time.

I have an August Lock. I'm currently on Smartthings and working on moving it over the Hubitat. The switch is for many reasons. However, the biggest thing (even though it not a Smartthings issue) was the August Pro 3 lock not working correctly on z-wave. After much work contacting support and a lot of troubleshooting from both August and Smartthings it looks like it is a firmware issue with the lock. Read this: June 2019: August Pro Z-Wave commands fail if August app is not in use (previously worked fine) - Devices & Integrations - SmartThings Community
The fact the Smartthings is looking to move from Z-wave to connect might be a sign that August is moving away from z-wave. August and Connected by August Locks Are Now Directly Compatible with
I have just downgraded my firmware it requires August support on this.1 844 848 7812

I want to see if anyone here has been having the issues where the lock becomes unresponsive to z-wave. If you open the August application the lock works again for 15-20 minutes at least and then the lock doesn't work again. The lock is basically going to sleep and will not wake up again. With the August application with the connection bridge or the bluetooth it will wake up the lock and it will respond to z-wave again. Unless, you close the application and wait another 15 to 20 minutes again. I believe this should happen on this platform too since this is a z-wave/lock issue.

Can anyone confirm this??



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Since having the firmware downgraded (going on 4 months now), I've not had a single issue with z-wave connectivity. I do not use a connect bridge or the app, but z-wave commands through HE have been flawless.

A side note: After my lock was downgraded, I was concerned that if I left bluetooth on, on my phone, the lock would try to upgrade the firmware. Happy to report, this hasn't happened!

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I'm having the same issues right now with my August Lock. I will call and downgrade and report back.

Mine has been working like a champ since then. I don't know why when I reported this to August 9 months ago they didn't give me that option. So far so good.

Anyone want to buy an August Connect WiFi to Bluetooth bridge? My August Lock died and it's been replaced with a Yale lock. $50+shipping, comes in original box.

PM me if you're interested.

[EDIT] Opps, I was looking at the price for comparison. Priced to move now. $30+shipping :smiley:

I called August and explained the issue. I told them I troubleshooted and then found this thread and the SmartThings thread. They put me on hold for 2 minutes and the firmware was pushed down. As soon as I got off the phone the lock upgraded (really downgraded). Has been working perfectly for about 3 days.

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Update: had major issues pairing this lock to HE Z-Wave over a couple weeks ago. Just tried it again today and it connected instantly. August must’ve rolled out an updated firmware.

Do you know what version firmware your Schlage Zigbee lock has on it?
I JUST received one with version 0.17.0 firmware (dated 1/24/2019). That almost sounds like beta software to me.

Just wanted to check back in on this and see how the August Lock is working for folks that still have it connected? I was having issues back in November. I downgraded to the previous firmware, and it worked great for a few weeks, Then I had all sorts of draining battery issues. I thought it was the previous firmware, but apparenlty, the device itself went bad. August sent a repalcement (go August!), but now I am getting the guts to try this again. Should I try to downgrade to the previous firmware to maintain a connection (and not have it disconnect from HE after it goes to sleep?) My lock is on Firmware 1.13.2 now