Aqara wireless H1 double rocker switch

Hi Guys

I have an Aqara wireless H1 double rocker switch.
Using driver :
Driver allows and works well with single push of button 1 and 2.
Cant get double press or hold feature to work on either butoons 1 or 2.
Please advise if there is something im doing wrong.

FYI - none of us can see which driver you're using; you're link is to something on a private network.

SOrry here it is

Any help anyone!!!!

Hi @user2066 ,

As with all Zigbee devices - we need the manufacturer (in your case it is LUMI) and the Model of the particualr device. The information is on the device web page 'Data' section.

Here is Data generated by HE once paired

Marcus's driver is the closest one, but this switch is probably a newer model and it is not listed in the known device fingerprints in thie driver. It is a lucky coincidence that both single press actions are recognized, The driver code is rather complex, it supports several different types of Xiaomi/Aqara switches and buttons, that have specific initialization and configurations.

Without having the actual device is will be very difficult and time consuming to make multiple trial-and-error attempts to make it work.

What I can suggest is that you try the following:
Replace in the driver all strings 'lumi.remote.b286acn01' with 'lumi.remote.b28ac1' (there are 5 references to lumi.remote.b286acn01). Then press Save, and on the device page click on Initialize button.
Then press F5 to refresh the device page, You should see 'numberOfButtons 9 ' in the events part and physicalButtons" "3" in the Data secton.

Can you do that?

Ok just did as you requested.
Now pressing either button, switches all my plug outlets on and off without creating any automations.

I am seeing the above info on device page

Let’s see if someone else has the same or similar Aqara switches and can share his experience,

The only thing that comes to my mind is to delete the device and pair it again as a new one. Now it should pick up the modified driver. Not sure if this will change anything, but you can try -hopefully the switch will be bound to the HE hub and will not broadcast on/off commands to all outlets.

I have tried to re-pair switch but still same, it broadcasts on/off commands to all outlets.
I have replaced driver strings back to as they were and switch now works again, but still only allowing single push from button 1 and 2.

What make/model are your outlets?

Sonoff S26R2ZB

This remote looks really interesting! Can you confirm your device is the WRS-R02 model?

EDIT 2022/09/07 : The modified driver test version will not work with Aqara H1 Double Rocker, so I have edited my post now and deleted the link.

Hi kkossev. Yes this is the remote switch

Hi kkossev

after updating driver and pairing remote switch, i do see the additional Preference .

If you select the momentary switches option and then clock on the Save button.
F5 to refresh the page and you should see two child devices, that could be turned on and off .. somehow,,, from the the double rocker switch.

Reading further on how this switch operates, I am less optimistic now that we can make it work in Hubitat, but lets try a bit more. Please read the factory reset instructions that I added to my previous post - remove the batteries, wait long enough, pair it to HE again.

I see the 2 child devices that have been created
When pressed, it switches on the goes off automatically after 1 second.
Still does not allow double tap or hold on parent device.

Have in mind, that at the moment it is unknown whether this ‘double rocker’ device can work in its full functionality in Hubitat or not. Troubleshooting it will take a lot of time and requires some experience in testing, reading logs, etc..

Have you considered setting up a Home Assistant? The time needed for this is comparable with the efforts to make this Aqara device and the other Tuya switch working for you. Both devices are already supported in HA / Zigbee2MQTT. Then you can use the HA->HE integration to bring these devices to Hubitat and use them in your automations here.

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