Aqara Smart Radiator Thermostat E1

Is there a driver available for the Aqara Smart Radiator Thermostat E1 or is there a better alternative device anyone can recommend?


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Mine seems to work under generic Zigbee thermostat

Are there any limitations using the generic driver?
Also using that driver how do you turn the radiator off. I presume you use the 'Set Heating Setpoint' but what do you set it too? Do you set it to 0 for off and what ever temperature you want to heat the room too for on?
I'd plan on using a separate temperature sensor to control it, turning off the valve once the required room temperature is reached and opening it back up when the temperature drops.

Has anyone else got experience of this device?

To answer myself these seem to work well using the inbuilt generic zigbee thermostat driver as cnelson recommended. There are no obvious limitations using this driver at the moment. The unit itself seems nicely made and the price isn't too high compared to some alternatives.

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one thing is missing using generic zigbee thermostat - setting external temperature sensor ...

In my case the generic zigbee driver doesn't report the ambient temperature (not sure if krzyskonieczny15 is referring to the same issue). Does anyone have the ambient temperature readout working?

Temperature is displayed for mine. What version of TRV do you have. I have the latest Aqara E1 and the generic driver seems to be working perfectly with it.

Okay, it started to come to its senses and somehow reports the temperature, but very rarely (~3hours intervals) and the reported values are suspicious (19.8, 20.8 and 21.8). Seems like the resolution is 1'C. Also the refresh button only returns the battery level.
I just got my Aqara E1 from Amazon yesterday. The model reported by the hub is: lumi.airrtc.agl001 softwareBuild: 0.0.0_0025
The logs are reporting an error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 197 (method parse)
Not sure what to make of it...

No no, i was saying that aqara thermostat has got feature to link with external temperature sensor for readings.
Of course thermostat has got bulit in sensor but with generic driver it is impossible to connect with external temperature sensor

how did you guys go about pairing the valve to hubitat?
I managed to get some of the e1 sensor into the hub easily enough but the valve is breakign my sweede!!

also very interested in controlling the thermostat with an external temperature sensor.

yes, external temperature sensor is nice feature, but so far there is no dedicated driver - this is the only solution ... :frowning:

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If someone can loan me an Aqara E1 TRV, I can make a fully-featured dedicated driver. Without the actual device, it will be a very time-consuming activity.

Where are you living @kkossev ?

I am located in Bulgaria.

Ok for some reason my devices no longer work under generic Zigbee thermostat - not sure why. I don’t think I can send a device to Bulgaria, it would cost me the same as buying the device itself!

Aqara E1 TRV ( lumi.airrtc.agl001 ) is a rather complex device, so writing a driver for it will require significant effort and time. I can consider buying myself one for testing, but this will probably happen in the summer, not now. I have too many other open projects at the moment.

I am actually using Eurotronic Spirit Z-wave TRVs at the moment, I also have one Moes BRT-100 TRV in one of the rooms, but I am not completely satisfied with any of them.

BTW, Aqara TRV should receive a Thread/Matter update soon, so hopefully there will be other options for integration to Hubitat, until the winter 2023 season ... : )

no news in topic? :innocent:

Anyone found a specification for zigbee messages? With that a new driver can be implemented

can be helpful ?

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