I am putting the sensor on top of the HE hub... and I've tried maybe 10-15x. If this is expected and normal, then I'll just keep trying until it works. Just making sure that the errors are expected when there is a pairing issue.
Also i think is saw issues with Channel 21 and above. I'm on 20.
So got it paired.. had to do a factory reset..which the procedure was tough to find.
press and hold the button for 10 seconds.. release press and hold for 5 seconds. I had to use a timer to get the timing right.
Hi there, First of all I want to thank you for driver for FP1 sensor. I have question about temperature measurement.
Motion/present seems to work well. But measuring of temperature doesn't work for me. After pairing it shows temperature but after that it stay on this value and never change. I try to re-pair but it does the same (maybe with different initial value). Am I doing something wrong or temperature measurement isn't finished yet?
Hi Martin, thanks for pointing this. I check my FP1 sensor and yes, the temperature stays 21 deg. since the last 2 days which is definitely not correct. I haven’t looked at the temperature readings for a long time, as I know it is not very accurate (this is not a true temperature sensor, but one integrated on the silicon chip). Anyway, something is not OK with the temperature readings. For sure, it was changing up/down when I was developing the driver….
Can you check if there will be any changes if you power down the device for 1 minute and then power it on again?
Hi, I tried to power it down and up and the temperature changed.
I will try once more on morning, it should be colder and I will see if temperature will changed during the night.
My FP1 does report temp changes. Not sure it is the right temp but it does report changes.
I moved it lately a couple of times and it seems it report temp after in reconnects.
Have a look:
One more thing I just noticed on my other FP1 sensor.
In the log file I can see a temp record but it is not showing as an Event. Is it expected ?
Log file:
Thank you so much! I ordered a P1 as I thought it will run the same driver as my previous Aqara sensors. So thank you so much for your effort on this driver.
Only issue: The motion sensor is always blinking when detecting a motion. Also disabling it in the preferences does not change this. Any ideas?
Hello, I noticed another anomality. When I want to set "Approach distance" to "Near" it doesn't change. "Far and "Medium can be saved OK. But when I save "near" value it stays on previous saved value.
Have any idea what I have done wrong here? I am about to return all 4 sensors.
I have paired and repaired them and read this entire thread, put it by the hub, tested a second unit and same behavior. I struggle with dyslexia so I took notes and drew a map to help with the directions. I have no idea what I am screwing up, I am also getting a red light after pairing which I have never seen before from any of these sensors. Any input from you or the community would be appreciated.