Aqara FP1 and P1 motion sensors

I tried pairing 3 times with no success. I then did a factory reset and it paired.

In hindsight, the word 'error' is incorrect. I was concerned with the unknown values and maybe you would want know. Personally if there is nothing to report then I don't need see a report. Having said that I wouldn't want it appear offline. If the 'last updated' field could be updated by the heartbeat that would be great.

I don't fully understand the effect of the parameters. I'm finding the field of view to be too narrow. Would any of the parameters be able to have a wider field of view?

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Have you observed any 'device is OFFLINE' events or logs? These should appear if nothing is received from the device for more than 3 hours.

The ''last updated' field is updated with my FP1 device every 5 minutes.

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the horizontal and vertical detection angles of this device. These are determined by the mmWave antenna radiation pattern.


No offline events from the FP1 at all.

120° is more than enough, it was a unverified observation that I was seeing much less. I will now take measurements.

I also own 3 different Tuya PIR motion sensors. Most all of them report battery unknown quite often. I am wondering if this is normal?

PS Thanks for all you dedication. Your drivers are fantastic. At my bar i could never have the lights stay on while people were there. Even when using 3 motion detectors. Now with the FP1 it works perfectly every time.


Hi @kkossev, I bought another FP1 and it's giving me trouble. After failing to get it to work i removed the device and then rejoined it. Here is the log file from that.

Then I joined again.

All I end up with in the data section is.

I am hoping the sensor isn't trash and you can revive it.
Thanks again, Brian

The device pairing procedure to HE hub has not completed successfully - the ''model' from the data section is empty. It should be * model: lumi.motion.ac01 The application version (36) is OK, i.e. it is not a newer unknown firmware.

Try to pair it again several times, very close to HE hub. The difficult pairing of Aqara devices is not something specific for Hubitat, I have seen some advice in other systems forums to persist on pairing it many times until the pairing is finally successful.

The 'unsupported' log message can be ignored, this is a region occupancy report that is not supported by any other system than Aqara (yet).


Has anyone successfully paired the Aqara FP1 with a C5 hub?
I took a FP1 that paired easily to a C7 and tried to pair with the C5 hub. Total refusal so far.

Mine is connected to a C5 hub. Should work

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Thanks, at least I know it not in vain.

I am also paired to a C5 hub. I was within 1 ft. when I paired, and did have to pair twice before all attributes appeared in the device page.

i had the same issue i had to phsically remove the old device a couple of times so i would not get the "paired already existing device message" when pairing.. then pair it again near the hub.. after it had paired and i changed the driver to kossev's driver"

The C5 hub is in another building connected with a 200' CAT6 Outdoor Direct Burial Network Cable, a DLink router running as an AP and a low power pc running Chrome on Windows 10. On the other end there is a switch and finally a Orbi router. Over 3 days I must have tried 60 to 70 times, never getting past initializing device.

I moved the C5 to where my C7 is. I have joined 2 FP1 there already. Now believe this or not, my first attempt was successful.



id like to get more fp1's but waiting over a month from china is PAINfull.


If you don't order it will be longer than a month. Besides the price keeps going up.


Can anyone verify the definition of the 3 main preference options for an FP1?

Here is what I think they logically should mean, but this is just my interpretation and in no way definitive:

Motion Sensitivity:

  • Low - Relatively speaking only the largest motion will be detected. The pros of this setting is that it is the most likely to ignore non-human movements. The cons of this setting is that it is the most likely to think no movement and thus presence is occurring and give a false negative on presence
  • Medium - In between High and Low so for some circumstances the right balance
  • High - Relatively speaking the setting most likely to detect small movements. The pros of this setting that it is the least likely to give false negatives for presence. The con is because it is most likely to detect any movement it is the most likely to give a false positive for presence

Approach Distance:

  • far - Setting trying to detect presence/motion at the maximum distance. Thus most likely to spot any motion
  • medium - In between setting
  • near - Setting limiting detection of presence/motion to closest supported by the hardware. Thus the least likely to spot any motion

Monitoring mode:

  • undirected - Setting so that motion detected is not classified by which side it occurred on, but rather only whether it was approaching or departing
  • left_right- Setting so that motion detects which side to side direction the motion occurred

I ask this as I am trying use my FP1 to detect a room being empty. When I first started using it (with Z2M), I would get changes of presence and it looked like it was going to be perfect. Then it stopped ever turning off presence true. I then tried removing it from Z2M and paired it with my Hubitat. Since then, I get logical and meaningful readings on everything except presence. For presence, it seems to stick on present. I am hoping to set it to the least sensitive mode and see if I can get it to alter between present and not present, but I have now started to doubt if I even know what the least senstive settings would be.

i have mine on high far and undirected aimed slightly down in a 14x14 room.. it does turn off ok.

Found this thread over on the HA site...

One user (last comment) found if they removed the cap and just had the exposed circuit board it started working properly.. :man_shrugging:

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I'm trying to setup a rule using a FP1, but although I'm able to see it as a motion AND presence sensor in Room Lighting app, it appears as a simple motion sensor in Rule Machine. Rule Machine either don't allow to choose its presence custom attribute. Is it a question related to the driver?

Simply use it as a motion sensor in RM5.1 When motion is active, this means that there is a person present.

The driver does not declare the standard 'Presence Sensor' capability, because this capability is used in at least two different meanings - for the SmartThings presence sensor (Zigbee) or for mobile phone/geolocation presence . At the same time the 'Presence Sensor' capability is used by many community drivers as online/offline status to HE of any device type. So its'a big mess with this presence attribute...

also you can use any of the attributes including the presence if you want in rule machine you just need to use "custom attribute" in the rule.

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I’m curious if others are getting similar results as I am with the FP1. I’ve done some testing and it seems by default the motion and presence attributes track the same. For example, the motion and presence both detect much faster than expected for this sensor. However, after laying still in my room until the FP1 motion attribute reset itself presence did as well which was unexpected.

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