Apixu.com worldwide weather data with outside lux. No PWS or server setup

Firstly thanks for doing this and nice to have a weather option in Hubitat for us non PWS users and useful to be able to have a weather dashboard.

Like @Navat604 says Illuminance was not working for me either so hoping your wouldn't mind I had a look in the code and added
state.localTime = localTime
just above updateLux() at line 157

Several ways to skin a cat but it seems to fix it.

Can't help with rain or snow as I'm in Southern UK and it's unusually Hot and Sunny at the moment.

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We can but hope!!!!! :wink:

thank you. sorry there was a bad if check in updatelux(...) and since the value was persisted in my state variable from an older version it was working for me. updated it ... it should work now.

@Navat604 code in main post is updated with the fix.

Lux is working with the new update now. Awesome!

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@bangali how would I use the attribute "condition_icon" in my dashboard? I tried adding it as an image, but it doesn't display anything.

that was my plan too ... see this exchange:

i still publish the image URL attribute in anticipation that @patrick will fix this any day now. :slight_smile:

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as you know the illumination data right now is calculated based on local sunrise, sunset times and cloud cover for the location. next step was to make this a bit more sophisticated. to do that it seems like the best way is to factor in the local weather condition as returned by apixu.

along those line i have turned each condition code from apixu in to a factor which is applied to the calculated illuminance instead of simply using the cloud cover.

    1000: ['Sunny', 1],                                     1003: ['Partly cloudy', 0.8],
    1006: ['Cloudy', 0.6],                                  1009: ['Overcast', 0.4],
    1030: ['Mist', 0.2],                                    1063: ['Patchy rain possible', 0.8],
    1066: ['Patchy snow possible', 0.6],                    1069: ['Patchy sleet possible', 0.6],
    1072: ['Patchy freezing drizzle possible', 0.4],        1087: ['Thundery outbreaks possible', 0.2],
    1114: ['Blowing snow', 0.3],                            1117: ['Blizzard', 0.1],
    1135: ['Fog', 0.2],                                     1147: ['Freezing fog', 0.1],
    1150: ['Patchy light drizzle', 0.8],                    1153: ['Light drizzle', 0.7],
    1168: ['Freezing drizzle', 0.5],                        1171: ['Heavy freezing drizzle', 0.2],
    1180: ['Patchy light rain', 0.8],                       1183: ['Light rain', 0.7],
    1186: ['Moderate rain at times', 0.5],                  1189: ['Moderate rain', 0.4],
    1192: ['Heavy rain at times', 0.3],                     1195: ['Heavy rain', 0.2],
    1198: ['Light freezing rain', 0.7],                     1201: ['Moderate or heavy freezing rain', 0.3],
    1204: ['Light sleet', 0.5],                             1207: ['Moderate or heavy sleet', 0.3],
    1210: ['Patchy light snow', 0.8],                       1213: ['Light snow', 0.7],
    1216: ['Patchy moderate snow', 0.6],                    1219: ['Moderate snow', 0.5],
    1222: ['Patchy heavy snow', 0.4],                       1225: ['Heavy snow', 0.3],
    1237: ['Ice pellets', 0.5],                             1240: ['Light rain shower', 0.8],
    1243: ['Moderate or heavy rain shower', 0.3],           1246: ['Torrential rain shower', 0.1],
    1249: ['Light sleet showers', 0.7],                     1252: ['Moderate or heavy sleet showers', 0.5],
    1255: ['Light snow showers', 0.7],                      1258: ['Moderate or heavy snow showers', 0.5],
    1261: ['Light showers of ice pellets', 0.7],            1264: ['Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets',0.3],
    1273: ['Patchy light rain with thunder', 0.5],          1276: ['Moderate or heavy rain with thunder', 0.3],
    1279: ['Patchy light snow with thunder', 0.5],          1282: ['Moderate or heavy snow with thunder', 0.3]

i have had this running for a while now for a few different locations around the globe just for some sanity checking. the data so far seems inline with what you would expect given the condition.

but these factors will likely need some adjustment as we get real world data. i am going to publish the updated version this weekend. it would be great if you find a weather condition where the illuminance seems off ... please share the condition code, the time of day and location of the reading on this thread. that way we can get these factors updated over time and make this work better for everyone. :slight_smile:

thank you.


Is there anything different between ST and your lux calculation? ST weather tile shows 10,000 lux while Apixu 3450.

  • ST calculation only used time of day and was more of a value based on time range.
  • the current calculation uses both time of day and cloud cover.
  • ST also did not factor in twilight times for calculation but mine does.
  • the new calculation will use time of day and current condition (as in table above) as a multiplier instead of just cloud cover.
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I've been logging your device for four days at my location and the lux calculations have been spot-on! I don't know how far you've gotten on incorporating the condition codes, but in my opinion, I don't think they are needed as long as accurate cloud cover data is returned. Thanks again for building this!

Edit: I've watched it through sunny weather, partly cloudy, drizzle, and severe thunderstorms.

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that is awesome!

may be we do a bake off? i will add the new version here that includes the condition code based lux calculation but not update the main post. if you will please give that a try ... we can see if that helps or not?

thank you.

I would be happy to test it.

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cool ... coming your way tomorrow.

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heres the updated code with condition code ... looking forward to hearing how it compares: :slight_smile:

*  Copyright 2018 bangali
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
*  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
*  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*  ApiXU Weather Driver
*  Author: bangali
*  Date: 2018-05-27
*  attribution: weather data courtesy: https://www.apixu.com/
*  attribution: sunrise and sunset courtesy: https://sunrise-sunset.org/
* for use with HUBITAT so no tiles <<<<<

public static String version()      {  return "v2.0.0"  }

* Version: 2.0.0
*   5/29/2018: updated lux calculation with factor from condition code.
* Version: 1.0.0
*   5/27/2018: initial release.

import groovy.transform.Field

metadata    {
    definition (name: "ApiXU Weather Driver", namespace: "bangali", author: "bangali")  {
        capability "Illuminance Measurement"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Polling"

        attribute "name", "string"
        attribute "region", "string"
        attribute "country", "string"
        attribute "lat", "string"
        attribute "lon", "string"
        attribute "tz_id", "string"
        attribute "localtime_epoch", "string"
        attribute "local_time", "string"
        attribute "local_date", "string"
        attribute "last_updated_epoch", "string"
        attribute "last_updated", "string"
        attribute "temp_c", "string"
        attribute "temp_f", "string"
        attribute "is_day", "string"
        attribute "condition_text", "string"
        attribute "condition_icon", "string"
        attribute "condition_code", "string"
        attribute "wind_mph", "string"
        attribute "wind_kph", "string"
        attribute "wind_degree", "string"
        attribute "wind_dir", "string"
        attribute "pressure_mb", "string"
        attribute "pressure_in", "string"
        attribute "precip_mm", "string"
        attribute "precip_in", "string"
        attribute "cloud", "string"
        attribute "feelslike_c", "string"
        attribute "feelslike_f", "string"
        attribute "vis_km", "string"
        attribute "vis_miles", "string"

        attribute "location", "string"
        attribute "local_sunrise", "string"
        attribute "local_sunset", "string"
        attribute "twilight_begin", "string"
        attribute "twilight_end", "string"
        attribute "illuminated", "string"
        attribute "cCF", "string"
        attribute "lastXUupdate", "string"
        attribute "lastXUupdate", "string"

        command "refresh"

    preferences {
        input "zipCode", "text", title: "Zip code or city name or latitude,longitude?", required: true
        input "apixuKey", "text", title: "ApiXU key?", required: true
        input "isFahrenheit", "bool", title: "Temperature in fahrenheit?", required: true, defaultValue: true
        input "dashClock", "bool", title: "Flash time ':' every 2 seconds?", required: true, defaultValue: false
        input "pollEvery", "enum", title: "Poll ApiXU how frequently?\nrecommended setting 30 minutes.\nilluminance is always updated every 5 minutes.", required: true, defaultValue: 30,
                            options: [5:"5 minutes",10:"10 minutes",15:"15 minutes",30:"30 minutes"]


def updated()   {
    state.tz_id = null
    state.clockSeconds = true
//    schedule("0 * * * * ?", updateClock)
//    schedule("0/2 0 0 ? * * *", updateClock)
    if (dashClock)  updateClock();

def poll()      {
    log.debug ">>>>> apixu: Executing 'poll', location: $zipCode"

    def obs = getXUdata()
    if (!obs)   {
        log.warn "No response from ApiXU API"

    def now = new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', location.timeZone)
    sendEvent(name: "lastXUupdate", value: now)

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(obs.location.tz_id)
    state.tz_id = obs.location.tz_id

    def localTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", obs.location.localtime, tZ)
    def localDate = localTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd", tZ)
    def localTimeOnly = localTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)

    def sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset(obs.location.lat, obs.location.lon, localDate)
    def sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.sunrise, tZ)
    def sunsetTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.sunset, tZ)
    def noonTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.solar_noon, tZ)
    def twilight_begin = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.civil_twilight_begin, tZ)
    def twilight_end = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.civil_twilight_end, tZ)

    def localSunrise = sunriseTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "local_sunrise", value: localSunrise, descriptionText: "Sunrise today is at $localSunrise")
    def localSunset = sunsetTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "local_sunset", value: localSunset, descriptionText: "Sunset today at is $localSunset")
    def tB = twilight_begin.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "twilight_begin", value: tB, descriptionText: "Twilight begins today at $tB")
    def tE = twilight_end.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "twilight_end", value: tE, descriptionText: "Twilight ends today at $tE")

    state.sunriseTime = sunriseTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.sunsetTime = sunsetTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.noonTime = noonTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.twilight_begin = twilight_begin.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.twilight_end = twilight_end.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)

    sendEvent(name: "name", value: obs.location.name)
    sendEvent(name: "region", value: obs.location.region)
    sendEvent(name: "country", value: obs.location.country)
    sendEvent(name: "lat", value: obs.location.lat)
    sendEvent(name: "lon", value: obs.location.lon)
    sendEvent(name: "tz_id", value: obs.location.tz_id)
    sendEvent(name: "localtime_epoch", value: obs.location.localtime_epoch)
    sendEvent(name: "local_time", value: localTimeOnly)
    sendEvent(name: "local_date", value: localDate)
    sendEvent(name: "last_updated_epoch", value: obs.current.last_updated_epoch)
    sendEvent(name: "last_updated", value: obs.current.last_updated)
    sendEvent(name: "temp_c", value: obs.current.temp_c, unit: "C")
    sendEvent(name: "temp_f", value: obs.current.temp_f, unit: "F")
    sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.temp_f : obs.current.temp_c), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}")
    sendEvent(name: "is_day", value: obs.current.is_day)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_text", value: obs.current.condition.text)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_icon", value: 'http:' + obs.current.condition.icon)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_code", value: obs.current.condition.code)
    sendEvent(name: "wind_mph", value: obs.current.wind_mph, unit: "MPH")
    sendEvent(name: "wind_kph", value: obs.current.wind_kph, unit: "KPH")
    sendEvent(name: "wind_degree", value: obs.current.wind_degree, unit: "DEGREE")
    sendEvent(name: "wind_dir", value: obs.current.wind_dir)
    sendEvent(name: "pressure_mb", value: obs.current.pressure_mb, unit: "MBAR")
    sendEvent(name: "pressure_in", value: obs.current.pressure_in, unit: "IN")
    sendEvent(name: "precip_mm", value: obs.current.precip_mm, unit: "MM")
    sendEvent(name: "precip_in", value: obs.current.precip_in, unit: "IN")
    sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: obs.current.humidity, unit: "%")
    sendEvent(name: "cloud", value: obs.current.cloud, unit: "%")
    sendEvent(name: "feelslike_c", value: obs.current.feelslike_c, unit: "C")
    sendEvent(name: "feelslike_f", value: obs.current.feelslike_f, unit: "F")
    sendEvent(name: "vis_km", value: obs.current.vis_km, unit: "KM")
    sendEvent(name: "vis_miles", value: obs.current.vis_miles, unit: "MILES")

    sendEvent(name: "condition_icon_only", value: obs.current.condition.icon.split("/")[-1])
    sendEvent(name: "location", value: obs.location.name + ', ' + obs.location.region)
    state.condition_code = obs.current.condition.code
    state.cloud = obs.current.cloud


def refresh()       { poll() }

def configure()     { poll() }

private getXUdata()   {
    def obs = [:]
    def params = [ uri: "https://api.apixu.com/v1/forecast.json?key=$apixuKey&q=$zipCode&days=3" ]
    try {
        httpGet(params)		{ resp ->
            if (resp?.data)     obs << resp.data;
            else                log.error "http call for ApiXU weather api did not return data: $resp";
    } catch (e) { log.error "http call failed for ApiXU weather api: $e" }

    return obs

private getSunriseAndSunset(latitude, longitude, forDate)	{
    def params = [ uri: "https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat=$latitude&lng=$longitude&date=$forDate&formatted=0" ]
    def sunRiseAndSet = [:]
    try {
        httpGet(params)		{ resp -> sunRiseAndSet = resp.data }
    } catch (e) { log.error "http call failed for sunrise and sunset api: $e" }

    return sunRiseAndSet

def updateLux()     {
    if (!state.sunriseTime || !state.sunsetTime || !state.noonTime ||
        !state.twilight_begin || !state.twilight_end || !state.condition_code || !state.tz_id)

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id)
    def lT = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    def localTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", lT, tZ)
    def sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.sunriseTime, tZ)
    def sunsetTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.sunsetTime, tZ)
    def noonTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.noonTime, tZ)
    def twilight_begin = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.twilight_begin, tZ)
    def twilight_end = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.twilight_end, tZ)
    def lux = estimateLux(localTime, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, noonTime, twilight_begin, twilight_end, state.condition_code, state.cloud, state.tz_id)
    sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: lux, unit: "lux")
    sendEvent(name: "illuminated", value: String.format("%,d lux", lux))

private estimateLux(localTime, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, noonTime, twilight_begin, twilight_end, condition_code, cloud, tz_id)     {
//    log.debug "condition_code: $condition_code | cloud: $cloud"
//    log.debug "twilight_begin: $twilight_begin | twilight_end: $twilight_end | tz_id: $tz_id"
//    log.debug "localTime: $localTime | sunriseTime: $sunriseTime | noonTime: $noonTime | sunsetTime: $sunsetTime"

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz_id)
    def lux = 0l
    def aFCC = true
    def l

    if (timeOfDayIsBetween(sunriseTime, noonTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunrise and noon"
        l = (((localTime.getTime() - sunriseTime.getTime()) * 10000f) / (noonTime.getTime() - sunriseTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(noonTime, sunsetTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between noon and sunset"
        l = (((sunsetTime.getTime() - localTime.getTime()) * 10000f) / (sunsetTime.getTime() - noonTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(twilight_begin, sunriseTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunrise and twilight"
        l = (((localTime.getTime() - twilight_begin.getTime()) * 50f) / (sunriseTime.getTime() - twilight_begin.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(sunsetTime, twilight_end, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunset and twilight"
        l = (((twilight_end.getTime() - localTime.getTime()) * 50f) / (twilight_end.getTime() - sunsetTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (!timeOfDayIsBetween(twilight_begin, twilight_end, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between non-twilight"
        lux = 5l
        aFCC = false

    def cC = condition_code.toInteger()
    def cCT = ''
    def cCF
    if (aFCC)
        if (conditionFactor[cC])    {
            cCF = conditionFactor[cC][1]
            cCT = conditionFactor[cC][0]
        else    {
            cCF = ((100 - (cloud.toInteger() / 3d)) / 100).round(1)
            cCT = 'using cloud cover'
    else    {
        cCF = 1.0
        cCT = 'night time now'

    lux = (lux * cCF) as long
    log.debug "condition: $cC | condition text: $cCT | condition factor: $cCF | lux: $lux"
    sendEvent(name: "cCF", value: cCF)

    return lux

private timeOfDayIsBetween(fromDate, toDate, checkDate, timeZone)     {
    return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate))

def updateClock()       {
    runIn(2, updateClock)
    if (!state.tz_id)       return;
    if (!tz_id)       return;
    def nowTime = new Date()
    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id)
    sendEvent(name: "local_time", value: nowTime.format((state.clockSeconds ? "HH:mm" : "HH mm"), tZ))
    def localDate = nowTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd", tZ)
    if (localDate != state.localDate)
    {   state.localDate = localDate
        sendEvent(name: "local_date", value: localDate)
    state.clockSeconds = (state.clockSeconds ? false : true)

@Field final Map    conditionFactor = [
        1000: ['Sunny', 1],                                     1003: ['Partly cloudy', 0.8],
        1006: ['Cloudy', 0.6],                                  1009: ['Overcast', 0.5],
        1030: ['Mist', 0.5],                                    1063: ['Patchy rain possible', 0.8],
        1066: ['Patchy snow possible', 0.6],                    1069: ['Patchy sleet possible', 0.6],
        1072: ['Patchy freezing drizzle possible', 0.4],        1087: ['Thundery outbreaks possible', 0.2],
        1114: ['Blowing snow', 0.3],                            1117: ['Blizzard', 0.1],
        1135: ['Fog', 0.2],                                     1147: ['Freezing fog', 0.1],
        1150: ['Patchy light drizzle', 0.8],                    1153: ['Light drizzle', 0.7],
        1168: ['Freezing drizzle', 0.5],                        1171: ['Heavy freezing drizzle', 0.2],
        1180: ['Patchy light rain', 0.8],                       1183: ['Light rain', 0.7],
        1186: ['Moderate rain at times', 0.5],                  1189: ['Moderate rain', 0.4],
        1192: ['Heavy rain at times', 0.3],                     1195: ['Heavy rain', 0.2],
        1198: ['Light freezing rain', 0.7],                     1201: ['Moderate or heavy freezing rain', 0.3],
        1204: ['Light sleet', 0.5],                             1207: ['Moderate or heavy sleet', 0.3],
        1210: ['Patchy light snow', 0.8],                       1213: ['Light snow', 0.7],
        1216: ['Patchy moderate snow', 0.6],                    1219: ['Moderate snow', 0.5],
        1222: ['Patchy heavy snow', 0.4],                       1225: ['Heavy snow', 0.3],
        1237: ['Ice pellets', 0.5],                             1240: ['Light rain shower', 0.8],
        1243: ['Moderate or heavy rain shower', 0.3],           1246: ['Torrential rain shower', 0.1],
        1249: ['Light sleet showers', 0.7],                     1252: ['Moderate or heavy sleet showers', 0.5],
        1255: ['Light snow showers', 0.7],                      1258: ['Moderate or heavy snow showers', 0.5],
        1261: ['Light showers of ice pellets', 0.7],            1264: ['Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets',0.3],
        1273: ['Patchy light rain with thunder', 0.5],          1276: ['Moderate or heavy rain with thunder', 0.3],
        1279: ['Patchy light snow with thunder', 0.5],          1282: ['Moderate or heavy snow with thunder', 0.3]]


Thanks. I should get some good condition code changes this afternoon with some forecasted storms.

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@halfrican.ak think you wanted to turn on / off switches based on weather attributes? if yes, have you tried using any of the driver attributes with RM to check if the rule triggers OK based on the attribute value?


I was specifically interested in "chance of precipitation" being an attribute, but it doesn't look like it's an option? I'd like an alert if there are windows open during a high probability of precipitation.

yeah dont see apixu making that available. if you do have sky water in your parts may be you could keep any eye on the on the precip_* attributes to see if they change before, during or after?

updated the main post with the latest driver which I had previously shared in one of the thread posts. this version does more granular lux calculation based on time of day and weather condition code.


I was just reminded that I never got back to you to let you know this works great. Before I got called out of town, I was able to see six condition code changes and the lux values looked good.

On an unrelated note, a few times I noticed some erroneous temperature and humidity returns. Iā€™m going to play around with my location when I get home to see if I can get a better reporting station.

Thanks again!

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