Anyone used Trådfri Remote or Dimmer?

Somewhere, Mike mentioned that it uses a Zigbee payload Hubitat doesn't currently support. It's theoretically possible but would take platform additions and not just a new driver, so I wouldn't count on it, at least not soon.

But not all is necessarily lost: do you have a Hue Bridge network? If so, you can pair it to that and then link it to a bulb or few for direct manipulation of them. Hubitat will still get the updated status unless you disabled the refresh/polling on the Bridge integration.

I've searched through this thread and a few others and I'm still not sure I see the answer I'm looking for. Ikea has 3 control devices that I am aware of. There is a puck (dimmer), a steering wheel (group controller), and what I would call a switch or button. It's square, has buttons marked "on" and "off" and is packaged with an outlet in stores for ~$15. Has anyone tried working with the button/switch to pair or integrated it with their HE? Did I just miss another thread on this?



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I'll provide my own answer here. Much like the Lutron Connected Bulb Remotes, I don't believe this button can be paired to the HE directly. I have been able to pair it to other zigbee devices (ie. LINK and CREE Connected Bulbs).

Oh well, $5 wasn't too much to risk on a neat idea.



So I. Have installed the drivers and the pick shows up in my devices. How do I actually use it? When I go onto the buttons app to set it up, it doesn't show there. What am I missing / doing wrong?


The puck can be used with Hubitat via a community driver, I didn't publish the driver I have for this device as It's very very chatty and in my opinion causes more network traffic than it provides functionality for...

The steering wheel and the on off switch do not, and will not work with Hubitat, and probably not any other hub except Ikeas...

Both of these devices are explicitly set up for touchlink (direct device to device) and will not send their commands to a Zigbee Hub/Bridge/Coordinator

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Which driver are you using it with, presuming you are talking about the swisty puck dimmer?
If the buttons one, its as per Mike's reply sadly.

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Thanks! I used your recommendation along with the One To Many Switching app.

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Anyone seen this about Ikea's steering wheel?
FF to 40s.

I noticed from smartthings forums that there was a lot of interest in getting the Ikea stuff to work.

It would be cool to be able to use it in HE.

I have some Ikea and they work just fine. I have some bulbs and outlets and they do work for me. I use them as I would other zigbee products.

Some (all?) bulbs, the puck (small round dimmer) and the socket work with HE.
The big dimmer/switch (the steering wheel) is supposed not to work with HE but apparently it works with ST (it's on YT video). So perhaps some wonderman/woman will make it work with HE :slight_smile:

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Many of the newer IKEA Home Smart devices are labeled with the Zigbee badge. So they are being installed as generic Zigbee devices. So far none of the switches dimmers are Zigbee. Maybe some day down the road they will.

I don't know which ones you're talking about, but the "puck" (small, round, totally white, unlabeled--and possibly the yellow one but I've never used it), the "steering wheel" (5-button gray and white), and "switch" (two-button up/down switch for the outlets) are all Zigbee. The issue is that most use payload types Hubitat does not support (group broadcasting only in the case of the few I know about, but I'm guessing that's the problem with the others, too). The "puck" can actually pair to and work with HE with a custom driver, but the problem I found is that it's wildly imprecise to the point of near-unusability. ST must have been upgraded at the firmware level to work with the rest.

Hence they do not actually work with the HE. I am referencing things that will actually work with stability.

Sure, but I just wasn't clear on what devices you were talking about that aren't Zigbee. Any of the ones I can think of that match your description are the ones I mentioned, which are Zigbee (regardless of how well they work or if their payloads are supported on HE as-is).

Yea I meant the 5 button remote like in the video. I have ikea bulbs (not paired with HE though) and the outlets (paired with HE).

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So being the one 2 many code has been pulled, Would anyone have any other suggestions to get the Tradfri Dimmer puck (the un labeled one) to be able to control other bulbs in HE? i was able to successfully pair the dimmer to HE but it does not show up as a useable button in the built in button controller app.

Thanks for anyone that has suggestions

There is no button capability for the round dimmer. I'd use the new Mirror/Mirror Me apps to "sync" the level from the device dimmer to a real device/group.

Thank you! that worked perfectly.

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Did you get the little dimmer puck to work in HE?

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