Anyone used Trådfri Remote or Dimmer?

Ah, really sorry. The puck to me means this.

I do apologise, if that’s not the case :woozy_face:

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Ahhhh, totally different creature.

By the way, if anybody likes these silly things, get them while you can. IKEA is discontinuing them.

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I do love em, make great switches for the bedside

But thanks for the heads up :+1:

Sorry :disappointed_relieved:

I paired a puck that was sitting on a shelf collecting dust and now I have no use for it :laughing:
But thanks for the driver anyway :grinning:

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Just confirming that these do NOT work with HE? There is a bit of debate about the nonclemature in this thread.

I am taking this as gospel.


Hoping I could get a little help. I picked up a couple of the Pucks to use as on/off switches for a couple lamp pairs (on in the bed room where wife falls asleep first then using Alexa to shut off is disturbing..)

Total Noob here by the way.

I grabbed the driver from post #33 above, Went into Drivers, added new, pasted and saved.

Now trying to pair the puck... holding the link button for 10s+, while in Zigbee discovery mode but not getting any results. Also not getting much feedback from the puck to indicate if it's in a 'pairing' mode they red led will flash briefly at in the first couple seconds, then stays dark.

Am I missing something? @Royski any advice?

Thanks in advance.


Ok.. So I was just too impatient. Got it figured out. For anyone else in the same boat here is what I did.

  • Installed Driver, per post above and @Royski 's post #33
    -Rebooted HE Hub
  • Went into Zigbee discovery mode, in devices
  • Reset Ikea 'Puck' dimmer to factory by pressing link button 4 times in 5 seconds.
  • I think the key difference was going into reset, vs using the Ikea pairing method of a 10s hold on the link button... it paired almost instantly, hence why important to be in Zigbee discovery first.

Yeah just the 4 clicks will do it :+1:

OK, so I see there is now an official ST DTH for the puck, I started modifying what they deciphered (or perhaps were told by IKEA) and was able to get something similar to work for Hubitat. Unfortunately, it's the kind of device I don't want it to be: a "Switch" and "Switch Level" device rather than a button device. After playing around with both this and the new Lutron Aurora "dimmer," I get why they did it this way--it seems to be the best way to make sense of the data the device spits out. The Ikea puck looks promising, though (is that basically a "release" event ST admits the device sends in the DTH but ignores because their model can't handle it? Hubitat can!).

I'll keep playing around with this and see if I can get it to do something better, more like a button. (I've said the same for the Aurora but have less hope.) That being said, this device is very sensitive, so I'm not sure how useful it would be in real life, and I honestly can't say I'd recommend the device when a ST button is almost as cheap and works much better, except without the "cool" turning or intuitive dimming (but your options are hardly limited on ST for button devices: Pico remotes, a variety of Zigbee dimmers and button devices, and a few Z-Wave options or even in-wall scene switches). I totally get why Hubitat doesn't have a built-in driver for this despite spending some effort on the task--the user experience would likely not be up to par.

Anyway, here is my effort on this so far:


Look forward to trying this, thanks for the update!

In the UK there’s quite a price difference. Puck £7.99, ST button £24.99 (last I saw). So this driver could be very handy :+1:

This is working GREAT! for me here :smiley:
Any idea why the battery isnt being shown?

Brilliant work

Undoubtedly because I have no idea what I'm doing. :laughing: I just mimicked what the ST DTH was doing and probably messed something up, or maybe they did since it looks like the comments they made in their code don't match what the code is actually doing. I might try it the "other way around" to see if that helps sometime.


BTW.. Wanted to share more Thanks on this one.. Had it working for a week now and got the SA (Spouse Approval) and Compliment last night!

Hope you don't mind, but I added options for logs and a clear states (due to mine having been messed around with so much). Its still very chatty when using, but I don't think that's avoidable.

Here it is.

Can someone clarify which device this works for? I just bought the 5 button round thing, NOT the round one that rotates. I don't think this is working with the driver from post #57.

This is only for the round dimmer.

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Doh! Looks like I have two bricks here then. Is there any chance that the 5-button thing will be supported?