Anyone used Trådfri Remote or Dimmer?

I have 5 on HE working.

Sure did. Not the 5 button just to clarify. The little white or yellow one works perfectly. You can start zigbee pairing mode and insert the battery and it picks it up. It's best to use the tradfri dimmer puck driver mentioned in this thread. Otherwise it picks up as a generic dimmer.

Hello I am using 3 devices ->ikea 5 button<- on smartthing, Can I use it on hubitat?.


Hello, anyone get working new Tradfri on/off button?

Is is working with SmartThings like a charm!

Just picked up one of these with a bulb for $10 CAD. It works with the diver, but I see that the levels jump up and down when adjusting. Is there a way to stabilize the dimmer levels, or that’s just the nature of this device?

I'm pretty sure that's par for the course with these devices and one of the problems Mike noticed. Even on ST with the official DTH, it seems to be a bit "sensitive" too. You might be able to do a little math and discard some values based on whatever criteria, but I'm not sure how well that would work or what the best algorithm would be (is it as simple as discarding any value more than x away from the current value?).

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Thanks. Are there other creative uses you’ve heard of for the accelerometer?

No, but that got me thinking. These are so sensitive: has anyone used it for a "door knock" sensor or something? (I would say "laundry monitor," but I can't imagine the battery lasting that long...)


Yeah I thought about the laundry too. You would have to convert to powered by an adapter for sure.

No. The five button remote does not work with Hubitat. There is no dev interest for that device to work here either.

Why no interest? It's a zigbee device cheap and works fine fine, I use it on smartthing.


How exactly do you use it on smartrhings? And what driver is it using?

I'm talking about the puck dimmer. The one you have pictured does not work and I've seen no driver here or on ST.

But the puck isn't worth playing around with in my opinion. I couldn't pair the lightbulb I bought with my Hue bridge because its firmware is too old, and the puck is just a piece of crap. I'm returning them. Not even worth it for $10.

I messed around with using just the accelerometer, but it needs motion in a very specific way and then seems to sleep to the point where it had to be moved significantly to wake it up. Plus it chews through batteries. No sir. Not for me.

For the On/Off Dimmer Remote

ID: 7FF1

Manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden

Product Name:

Model Number: TRADFRI on/off switch

deviceTypeId: 111


manufacturer : IKEA of Sweden

idAsInt : 1

inClusters : 0000,0001,0003,0009,0020,1000,FC7C

endpointId : 01

profileId : 0104

application : 22

outClusters : 0003,0004,0006,0008,0019,0102,1000

initialized : true

model : TRADFRI on/off switch

stage : 4

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@mike.maxwell It looks like you can use the Ikea 5 button and the Ikea motion sensor directly with Smartthings. It looks they are able to use group messaging.

SmartThingsPublic/ikea-button.groovy at master · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub

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Hello, and the Ikea 5 button can be used on hubitat?


NO !

It can be used on SMARTTHINGS.

You seem to have a smartthings hub. I know it isn't ideal but you can connect smartthings with the hub connect app. I don't have smartthings but maybe you could connect the 5 button that way?

Perhaps I can use it thought something but I want to substitute smartthing but hubitat....

Thanks, and on future will be able to use on hubitat?